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Way To Inject Own Js Code And Run Ahead Of Webpage Fully Loaded?

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1. Just made some test, Js code could be executed after webpage fully loaded, so we can use jquery to do all things that jquery could do, for example, add nodes or set values. if I set value of a text input box, I can see the box was filled by the value, but when I check the source code, nothing changed. Is it possible to inject JS code and run ahead of all JS in webpage or ahead of webpage fully loaded?  if so, webpage source code can be fully manipulated before webpage fully loaded.


2. I found it's hard to import cpython module into ironpython,  pure python code is ok, sys.path.append() will solve most problems,  if there is a little .c in it, different story, so I  decided to use cpython and packed python code into exe with py2exe, the problem is I can pass data to cpython(exe) but have no idea to pass the result back to ubot.  any idea?


Please forgive my poor English, I have tried :(



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Way To Inject Own Js Code And Run Ahead Of Webpage Fully Loaded?


short answer no,


Custom Javascript snippets are not available for execution while the DOM is loading,so you cannot inject your own script until the DOM is ready which would be after the page has executed its scripts




The answer is yes it can be done,like antivirus programs etc run JS in  page load,no idea how to do it though

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Way To Inject Own Js Code And Run Ahead Of Webpage Fully Loaded?


short answer no,


Custom Javascript snippets are not available for execution while the DOM is loading,so you cannot inject your own script until the DOM is ready which would be after the page has executed its scripts




The answer is yes it can be done,like antivirus programs etc run JS in  page load,no idea how to do it though

I just stopped digging and place hope on next next next version. :lol:

Thank you deliter

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