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I see they release an up grade.

Is it stable and working?

the first releases of stealth were a little difficult. And i don't want to waste my limited time upgrading to an even bugyer release

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Updated soon is hard to tell stable.
Need to use a period of time.

But for me it's much more. Paying attention to the problems before adding new instructions.

I still like the track.

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for me its about 5x slower the the previous version... to the point of almost completely unusable. Maybe its windows 10, I dont know, but I had very few issues with the UI on previous version, now I am lucky if I can get the ui to work at all, even the built in ui stuff doesnt want to load.

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We have made a lot of changes to the UI to deal with the general instability that was being reported.


If you are seeing issues in 5.9.4, please report UI issues to support.ubotstudio.com


Also the UI relies on C++, and if your C++ libraries are outdated, you will see the issues being reported on Windows 10





Please reinstall and make sure you have the latest version of the C++ library: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48145


If it works for you, please let us know by opening a new ticket at our support center.


If it does not work for you, please let us know by opening a ticket at our support center.

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