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Need help with optimizing

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I have a bot that is tentatively complete but I'm having problems with the processes slowing down and taking forever to complete or just timing out. I know there must be some advanced scripting that would help but I'm still new so I'm not sure what those would be.


Is there anyone who can help me with optimizing my script to speed it up and not time out? 


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My expirience says that when timeouts and freezes and stuff like that is happening, it is your browser crashing ot leaking memory, so you should use set user agent to reset browser. I know that one of my bot on a specific site can navigate amximum 50 times and on other it can navigate infinite (ok maybe not infinite but for whole day and maybe even more).


What is the reason for this i dont know, but i think it got to do with website javascript or something.

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Thanks for the suggestions. The difficulty with stopping the browser.exe is that it then closes the whole page and I can't get back to where I left off scraping. The window I'm scraping is an ajax generated window that also requires doing a lot of clicking on "load more" so the page becomes very long after a while. Once I exit it out of that page, and reopen it, the scraping would be starting at the beginning again. Is there a way to just clear the browser.exe memory in the middle of scraping it?

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