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EXCEPTIONAL Ubot training

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I'm going through the Ubot course here and it is absolutely superb. 


In the past I've gone through a few computer language courses and I believe this one is the very best. 


These videos are by someone called Frank Thomas.


Here's a  key thing: ***He went into the debugger and alert command in the very first lesson and also emphasizes their use.*** In the very first lesson! How many courses do that? That's so helpful. It means I could stop the videos right there and have a good chance of grasping 80% of the rest of the language on my own. Debugging's usually in the last module of computer language courses.


There are so many other good things about the videos I've seen. Mainly there is emphasis is on showing how you would use Ubot practically. He's giving tips like how to structure the logic or pitfalls to avoid in loops with lists. Right from the first videos. So the info is all within this how-to-use-in-real-life context. 


I took a portion of the old ubot training and honestly, I struggled... It was a good effort... just that it was the traditional approach of teaching a command and then a command. I tried but I just couldn't see myself using Ubot from knowing those commands.


It's a bit like how people study French at school for years and years and can't speak practical sentences. It's traditional teaching.


This course however is completely different. Gives you the vision that you can definitely code whatever it is you want... You feel as long as you have an idea of the right commands and best approach, you will figure it out.


If you're new and haven't checked it out I highly, highly recommend it: http://ubotstudio.com/resources (video tutorials). it'll be worth your time. 





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Frank is great!  And the help that TJ and so many others offer within the forum is awesome as well so I highly encourage you to participate and see what you are missing.


As Lucas stated there are many teaching styles and many of us learn at varying paces.


If you are interested in even more video lessons PLUS source code then I hope you check my site out in my signature.  It is a paid site with over 140 videos but only requires a one time fee to access all of the videos.


If you cannot afford it then please please please participate in the forum.



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Yes, UBotBuddy's class and training is SUPERB, 


I was fortunate enough to be in his first class, and anyone trying to learn ubot shouldn't miss Buddy's Class.



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Look at this post I just found. http://ubotstudio.com/blog/2011/11/19/871/


It explains that there's a Selector Language within Ubot. 


Wow, well I don't think this info is posted anywhere else. I wouldn't have found it if I hadn't googled it. I searched for more info on selection because I didn't find enough in the Wiki. I couldn't understand the examples in the forum from what I'd learned.


Which reminds me - about the Wiki:


I think it's excellent.


If you're new I'd really recommend you go through the Wiki. I'd suggest first going through the first 5 videos from the link I posted above. Then go to the Wiki and look through all the commands/functions. Then when you return to the videos it'll be easier to understand. You'll be able to anticipate the route he'll take to do something because Ubot depends on you knowing the appropriate in-built functions/command - in advance.


Code ingredients are fixed. For example you can't type If x = y in Ubot. In fact, x = y goes in a comparison function like $comparison(x, "=", y). Quite unbelievably strict. And baffling if you don't know in advance. So I'd suggest looking through the whole wiki to see the specific recipe ingredients you can use. It makes the later videos easier because your brain doesn't then have to track new commands at the same time as understand how he does a solution. 


Guys please post this selection blog post into the Wiki. I might never have found it. And I need to know that stuff from the start. 


And thanks again for the much improved training and documentation. 

Edited by Lucas
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