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Free HMA Proxy Scraper Bot and Code

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Hey I built this  for stanf to see how hard it was and how well i knew regex http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/12854-any-onefamiliar-whith-scrapeing-hma-for-proxies/?hl=plugins&do=findComment&comment=70465

I'm open to constructive criticism, idiots need not say anything (its free) ... thanks

Here you go, it works fine for me. Im sure it is possible to be built differently but it works. It actually makes 2 separate files, the 2nd file takes the 1st file and formats it correctly.


You NEED to change the (2) save file file locations!

Note** I paused HMA because the page separates the proxies and if even one new proxy arrives in a second before the bot scrapes/gets to the 2nd half of the proxy, it would make ALL proxies incorrect
I also did not loop it to the next pages because in my opinion the very public nature of these proxies, after a short time are either dead or shared and have been spammed before anyone can use them. I'm sure this is not the only HMA bot out there.


hma bot v2.ubot

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Good job on the code and regex, I think you've got the hang of it. If you're interested in streamlining it a bit you might want to check out

 it might tighten things up a bit and make it a little faster.



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I hope you don't mind if I post this here - I'm not trying to thread-jack or anything but I made this a few months ago and never did anything with it. So It would be nice if people find it useful since I don't need it any never did anything with it. To use it just go to tools at the top and then settings to make it change the type of proxy you want. Also, if you want me to remove this post PM me since its your thread not mine :)

HMA Proxy Scraper.ubot

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Good job on the code and regex, I think you've got the hang of it. If you're interested in streamlining it a bit you might want to check out
 it might tighten things up a bit and make it a little faster.




Thanks Duane, I find this a great piece of software and appreciate you sharing the video with me. I actually saw this this video a while back but never got around to watching it, but it now makes sense to...so thanks!

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I hope you don't mind if I post this here - I'm not trying to thread-jack or anything but I made this a few months ago and never did anything with it. So It would be nice if people find it useful since I don't need it any never did anything with it. To use it just go to tools at the top and then settings to make it change the type of proxy you want. Also, if you want me to remove this post PM me since its your thread not mine :)


Nah, why would I? I appreciate you saying you would remove this if I wanted but its all good. I figured I put this out just so some could see and use the coding ideas I've learned from others ... so in this case, the more I and others can see, the merrier! I'll be looking and reviewing your code too!

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I hope you don't mind if I post this here - I'm not trying to thread-jack or anything but I made this a few months ago and never did anything with it. So It would be nice if people find it useful since I don't need it any never did anything with it. To use it just go to tools at the top and then settings to make it change the type of proxy you want. Also, if you want me to remove this post PM me since its your thread not mine :)


Hey Somnia, I downloaded your HMA bot and im getting an error on the second portion of it (when testing the bot) interested in your thoughts here. Thanks for including in this post, its a great example to learn from

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Hey Somnia, I downloaded your HMA bot and im getting an error on the second portion of it (when testing the bot) interested in your thoughts here. Thanks for including in this post, its a great example to learn from


That code is more than 2 years old so it probably doesn't work anymore for the scraper part. As for the testing part it just looks at the website for the text that is input so that will always work. If you used the proxy scraper in the first part though I imagine if it actually scraped proxies they were not the correct ones. I know I updated somebody's HMA proxy scraper on here within the last year or so that one may work but I can't remember the thread so you might have to do some Google-ing.

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