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Prevent click on the same link twice?

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I'm drumming away at another bot and I'm wondering how I prevent it from clicking on the same link/button twice. I've got it running in a loop with the link/button wildcarded but after I click that link/button it returns to the same link/button on the next cycle.


It's similar to a follow bot where it's following people in a loop. Problem is after I follow them, the don't fall off the screen, they remain on the screen. Anyway to prevent duplicate clicks to the exact same link/button?

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Error in what node?



increaser project-001.ubot


Corrected node click onclick with the variable #onclick






You just blew my mind. Works like a charm. The browser is even responding perfectly which I haven't seen yet while building bots. Thanks man! I'm going to go through and dissect this script.. +1

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The script works great, but my credits aren't increasing? Its kinda odd. Even when I go through and manually watch videos I get 10 credits but as soon as I click on another page I'm back to where I started? Maybe there's a confirm button somewhere that I'm missing..hmmm

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Yes it is weird.


I visit sites using Firefox browser accumulate credits. Log out and logged back in and none of the accumulated credit is saved.



increaser project-001.ubot


Changed it to not do page reload.

Added click to close the onclick website page view.

You can see "My credits" increase.

Log out and the accumulated credit is lost the same as Firefox.



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Yes it is weird.


I visit sites using Firefox browser accumulate credits. Log out and logged back in and none of the accumulated credit is saved.



increaser project-001.ubot


Changed it to not do page reload.

Added click to close the onclick website page view.

You can see "My credits" increase.

Log out and the accumulated credit is lost the same as Firefox.




Thanks for your help Kevin. It's adding the points correctly, but not it's navigating to the clicked websites url. It's no longer opening in the 2nd window. Oh well, man I'll tinker with it. It's all a learning process for me..

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Hey Kev, it seems to be working pretty good with win7, vista not so much. The site throws in random adsense pop ups which puts a wrench in the loop but I don't think there is much I can do about that. Appreciate you help!

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