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Setting Variable NAMES with Variables, is this possible?

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I am having this same problem. Here's the post I made regarding this a couple days ago http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11917-check-box-list-box-or-impossible/


In reading through this post, I think I'm having the same issue as the OP. For those that say this would not be useful, I wonder why you don't see our points. I have say 100 accounts that I need to check regularly, but I don't always need to check all of them every time. I am pulling orders from the accounts, and oftentimes, there are not orders on all the accounts. So I have written html that will create a check box and variable for each account name. When I check the boxes, the value changes to true, but I have no way of running an if/then because I can't say:


if>#($list item(%Accounts,0))=$true, then (do this)


So if my customer wants to add more accounts, I have to build him a new bot rather than just have this update dynamically. Why wouldn't you want to make every possible thing you could dynamic for a better end user experience? I am very new to coding, so maybe I'm just completely missing the big picture here, but I'm hoping someone can help me out with a solution.

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  • 2 months later...
I am having this same problem. Here's the post I made regarding this a couple days ago http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/11917-check-box-list-box-or-impossible/


In reading through this post, I think I'm having the same issue as the OP. For those that say this would not be useful, I wonder why you don't see our points. I have say 100 accounts that I need to check regularly, but I don't always need to check all of them every time. I am pulling orders from the accounts, and oftentimes, there are not orders on all the accounts. So I have written html that will create a check box and variable for each account name. When I check the boxes, the value changes to true, but I have no way of running an if/then because I can't say:


if>#($list item(%Accounts,0))=$true, then (do this)


So if my customer wants to add more accounts, I have to build him a new bot rather than just have this update dynamically. Why wouldn't you want to make every possible thing you could dynamic for a better end user experience? I am very new to coding, so maybe I'm just completely missing the big picture here, but I'm hoping someone can help me out with a solution.



Bumping this up.   I posted another thread too with a slightly different explanation but I'm in the same exact situation.


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It is not possible with UBS to have variables that change their names dynamically, as you envision here... unfortunately.


All you can do is eventually have some table (that you can load from a .csv file) where you define a column with an index and another column with variable name.


Then you can loop through the table, checking the index (numeric) and extracting the variable to be used from the second column.


This is not exactly what you want though, but you could try to make it work for you that way...


Hope this helps you...



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