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Found 5 results

  1. I`ve created this small script for bulk domain appraisals on GoDaddy. I´ve adapted a multi threading script I found here but it´s a little unreliable. I need this to be lightning fast and to be able to connect through proxies (backend storm proxies). Things to notice: I´m grabbing my list from a local file. Example list item: https://www.godaddy.com/domain-value-appraisal/appraisal/?isc=gdrpf730&checkAvail=1&domainToCheck=ubot.com I´m exporting the appraisals to a local file Thanks for any help on optimizing this script clear cookies clear list(%Domain List) clear list(%Dom
  2. Hello I am using thread spawn command but it uses same accounts in each thread. Here is my code:- ui open file("browse",#uiopen csv) ui stat monitor("Loop counter",#row) ui text box("Link",#websitelink) create table from file(#uiopen csv,&csvtable) set(#row,0,"Global") thread spawn($table total rows(&csvtable),5) { in new browser { allow images("No") navigate("#websitelink","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded",10) wait for element(<email field>,10,"Appear") type text(<email field>,$table cell(&csvtable,#row,0),"
  3. Ok so im having a big issue, ive been trying to use thread spawn to make accounts but when i use the account data to generate usernames, passwords, emails it uses the same info on each thread, ive also tried changing it to local instead of global but no luck, even used account reset but maybe im placing it in the wrong position idk, but what i am trying to do is make a simple account creator with the account data parameters via thread spawn. Ive been stuck on this for hours now and its driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!
  4. So since it said that multithreading is fixed on ubot 5.5 so we don't need to use threadcounter plugin to make it works And now how we do multi threading (ex. login using multi account to same site) on ubot 5.5 ? How we structured our code? Anyone has an example to follow along?
  5. I'm a new Ubot user and I found a post about multi Threading in Ubot. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10042-new-v4-tutorial-multi-threading-example/ I met a problem when using multi threading when login a website. For example, when I use two threads to login a same website. There are two windows to input username, password and then press login at the same time. but they always get the same account data because at that time the "account position" is the same. How can I make the different thread use the different account data? When a thread get the "account position" is 0, how
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