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  1. I'm having difficulty saving the images on an example teepublic page. https://www.teepublic.com/en-gb/mug/1000159-downhill-mtbI've tried loading the page on mobile, and its still the same, its like it selects, all of the slider, and I'm not sure how to separate the images, and save all 3 views. Anyone got any ideas? thanks.
  2. Hi , I am working to make twitter bot that can tweeting and but images with the tweets i try and searching for command that let the bot to take image from file and but it with the tweet can't find it plz help me with that .
  3. Dear Fellow UBotters, I am planning to automate a series of blogs. My idea contains the following. Scrapping one news from different news channels' websites. (up to 10) Shuffling the content and creating a brand new article. Creating a brand new seductive title for the post. Publishing the article with content and relevant images (3,4) also Inserting anchor text (3,4). I would love to listen to your ideas and experiences. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a good night from Milan Italy. Bests, ZIkria Akbar
  4. Hello everyone, I am trying to have my bot log in to gmail, go to the spam folder search for a specific text within a specific number of pages. When it finds an email that matches it clicks it, choose display images, then clicks one of the images and from there chooses not spam, and continues to look through the emails from the last page it left off. I have all of this working minus clicking on the images. I have tried several things such as scraping the content of the email and using a regex expression to find image source, image link, .jpg, etc.. but nothing is working. When I try to click
  5. Hi All, fairly new here so please excuse if I am asking the obvious. What I want is to click on the "Choose File" in the UI and show the image selected either in a small window in the UI or below in the browser. I can't work it out. Any help appeciated. TIA - Mark Forgot to say I have the Developers edition. Just found that Navigate will do it but there is not much control over the result in terms of resizing - maybe the image selection in the UI could be dynamic instead of static? - Just a thought?
  6. Hello everyone! I was just wondering how I can upload images from my computer onto FanBox/Empowr, is there a simple way on how to do this?
  7. Hello, I have used the search, and read a s**t load of threads trying to find an answer to a question i have, but looks like im going to have to jump in and ask myself by the way, long time reader, first time poster, there are some legends here, .. ok thats that out of the way I was using the built in miage comparison and was wondering if is possible to compare multiple images in a single process ? what i mean is this, .. If i have a folder that contained lets say 20 png/jpg/gif images, and i want to search a webpage to see if any of those images exist, is there a way to do this with
  8. Hey all, Question. Can the cached images from a UBot program running be saved? I ask because I am having trouble downloading the images for an online web book. I have managed to find the four to five images that are loaded in the background and save them to a list (not labeled w/ a file extension, but JPGs. e.g. http://coursesmartpf1.bvdep.com/imagepage/F5C6EF72B2DA969D866455ED9A78C559C5B25128491910097D473598B7CD430C822FD31F60E622B308ABC123 , see code below). There are two problems. First, if I traverse the pages too quickly, I found that I am sent to an "about:blank" in UBot directl
  9. Has anyone figured out a way to call a local css file or image to use in the ui html panel. These would be file that would be in the application folder. I know this can be done with images by converting to base64, but I'm wanting to do this by files in the application folder instead.
  10. Hello all, any ideas or suggestions are welcome. I am trying to get a bot that will upload images from a folder that will be housed on the desktop. Let's say there is a folder with 10 .jpeg files in it. On the first loop I want the bot to pull the first Image, then move on to the second etc...Ideally the image would be removed from the folder once used. How can I accomplish this, and have a future user select the location of their picture folder from the UI? Is this possible? Please note, the website I am uploading to has you insert an image like this: http://gyazo.com/d0906f675d437234
  11. I have been trying to come up with a way to upload a random image file. What I have right now is change file field($element offset(<id="photo[]">, 1), "{$random list item(%path)}2.jpg") I have list %path that is C:\newfolder\images1\, C:\newfolder\images2\ etc in a list. The issue is when ubot places this string into the file field, the server kicks back a php error. So Im guessing that I am doing something wrong. What am I doing wrong?
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