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About zikria.akbar

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    Windows 10
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  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. Thank you for your response... but you know, this screenshot is sent to me by a customer,,, it means everyone gonna complain me about this.. any permanent solution, please?
  2. Why Ubot compiled file shows Trojan??? Why why why?? Also, how come I remove the ubot studio tag as well??? Anybody??? Zikria
  3. Hello, Thank you for your response. Of course, to avoid the file size I am compiling the bot without the installer. can you please suggest any seperate installer which you are talking about?? thank you so much.
  4. Hi guys, While compiling bots with the installer in developer edition is producing a huge file about 80MBs. Is there anything we can do to reduce the output file size??? It is very necessary for me to have less than 50MB files... Any help will be highly appreciated Thanks in advance. Zikria Akbar
  5. Dear Fellow UBotters, I am planning to automate a series of blogs. My idea contains the following. Scrapping one news from different news channels' websites. (up to 10) Shuffling the content and creating a brand new article. Creating a brand new seductive title for the post. Publishing the article with content and relevant images (3,4) also Inserting anchor text (3,4). I would love to listen to your ideas and experiences. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Have a good night from Milan Italy. Bests, ZIkria Akbar
  6. Thank you guys for your responses. I was out so could not answer you. Alas! I was looking for something which can work natively for iOS. Well, i hope soon UBot will have it on board. By the way, with your answer, it raises another question in my mind if it is possible to compile for Android? Thanks once again. Zikria
  7. Hello everyone, Is there any chance to compile bots for ios? Any help will be highly appreciated. Thanks, Zikria
  8. Hey Guys, here I made a short video to show my problem with Ubot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzZ3_pSqtps&feature=youtu.be&hd=1 The Bot is hanging just after 10 to 15 minutes after a run. Then even if I am closing the application, it is not working for me directly from the interface. I have to open task manager to close it. I tried older version too but in vain. Also, Did everything as instructed by support.. even changed PC as well. But both having windows 10. but different securities. below are the instruction by support. Let's try this. Uninstall and re-install u
  9. I am totally pissed... The application is not working for me properly as well on my own computer since I have installed some windows updates and ubot studio update... Today support sent me the link to install old version 5.9.37. But it does not working well for me too. After scraping 30 to 40 pages (specifically on LinkedIn) freezing even without compiling. I removed all the security things on my PC like firewall, antivirus, windows defender and dragged account control to never notify me, did the same on my client side too. Also, Just tried to remove javascript. But nothing worked for me
  10. Hey Nick. thanks again.. it is 5.9.44 and it would be great if you can send me the link directly? it would be more faster. Bests, Zikria
  11. haha,, Actually, It's happening on my system now...I guess, there was an update from Ubot recently which trigger some issues with my app. Also, If I am running the code without compiling in Ubot app, my app is freezing. I have to go to the task manager to close the app and restart it. By the way, I am running my BOTs mostly on LInkedIn. I have sent an email to support as well. Awaiting there response. Well, thank you so much. Best, Zikria
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