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Found 12 results

  1. hi,i have a query i want to connect ftp server connection type -SFTP and logon type -keyfile but there is not any option to browse .ppk file, i have no problem to connect the server with filezila but i want to connect it with ubot any help will be appreciated .I have also noticed that there is not any plugin for that.
  2. Okay, the ftp connection was working fine,then it started acting up on occasion -- now has stopped working! http://keepmysitesafe.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Ashampoo_Snap_2017.01.11_12h26m50s_001_.png This happens on every call to ftp, and its always object reference error. Have deleted all copies of ubot, and reinstalled and still get the error. Anyone have any ideas?
  3. is there any way to test if an FTP connection was successful? After I compile, I no longer see the error message. And the bot seems to die or get stuck there, since the alert I set to show lack of success never gets run.
  4. I recently started using UBot again after a few months where I upgraded to Windows 10, and now I am getting this error everytime I try to use FTP: "Unable to read data from transport connection: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because the connected host has failed to respond." The hosts I have tried are working fine with FileZilla and tested it with UBot on another machine. I have spent days trying to figure it out but have had no luck. It comes up straight away so I don't even know if
  5. Hi Everyone, I am scripting a Bot for WorPress Cloning where FTP Upload is a very crucial part. I am able to upload 4, 5mb files successfully. But when I try to upload bigger file it returns Script Error after 6, 7mb upload. Did anyone encounter similar issues? Thanks in advance, UGem
  6. I am using the FTP function in ubot, but when it upload a large file to the server, it will take so much time to do. Is there any plugin/script or workaround that will transfer a big file from a server to another server?
  7. I am trying to use the connect to ftp server to upload Wordpress to a site and cannot get the connect to ftp server node to connect. All the details are taken straight from my Cyberduck bookmark. Are there any tutorials on how to use this node properly? I did not see any available when searching online.
  8. Hey awesome peeps! Having trouble getting my bot to pull info off my server using ftp. Basicly, i want the bot to simply pull data of a txt file i put on my server people using the bot will have updated messages from me all the time...but can't seem to figure out how to pull the data. i would think it would be similar to pulling data out of a txt file on the local machine. any help would be much appreciated
  9. I use UBot 4.2.20 (UBot 5 is not reliable yet), I try to upload file through FTP on my server. I connected to FTP successfully, and I can create folders and delete them through FTP connection. When I try upload file I can see FTP server logs shows that it is in passive mode. The Ubot script returns error that FTP server failed to respond correctly on specified server with port different then 21 (port was set to 21 in FTP connection command). I wondering if there is way to force active mode for file upload? If you had the same issue in past and know how to fix it, please help.
  10. Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue, since I see no threads on it. I'm trying to upload a local folder and it won't work. I can(with the same login)... 1. create the folder with filezilla 2. upload files from the local folder 3. download the folder What I'm actually trying to do is move the files from the folder to the root directory of the website. Thanks for your help in advance! plugin command("FTPCommands.dll", "connect to ftp server", "FTPS", "host.MyURL.net", 21, "Username", "Password", $table cell(&domains, #table_row_count, 1)) { plugin command("
  11. I LOVE the FTP commands and functions, thanks very much for them Seth and co! However, I'm an FTP poweruser, uploading massive amounts of data multiple times a day and a lot of the time nothing less than zip/tarball files to be unpacked will do. I see no way to unpack/unzip any tarballs on the server. Am I overlooking anything? Also, I gotta be overlooking this but I can't seem to find it: How do we move a file from one location on the server to another? (Move or copy?) Thanks again for the hard work on this, hopefully I'm just overlooking some things. Cheers, Luke
  12. Can ubot do FTP to a server somehow? I tried searching FTP via the forum search feature but, unfortunately, no results.
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