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  1. Any idea how to close/disable notification about new extension running in developed mode? I've tried solution Disable Alert / Notification Popups by bot-factory.com but without success. plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", "{$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Load Browser Extension", $random list item(%extensions))}{$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Generic Chrome Parameter", "--disable-notifications")}") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", "https://www.google.com/") plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Confirm Di
  2. I am using the exBrowser plugin and its great, but every few hours it crashes. I am getting a stack overflow error that is related to the ctrl.dll part of .Net I really need help fixing this and I am more than happy to compensate anybody who can help me out. The crash report is below: Sourcespit1.exe SummaryStopped working Date?05/?11/?2016 14:34 StatusNot reported DescriptionFaulting Application Path: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\Investors\spit1.exe Problem signatureProblem Event Name: APPCRASHApplication Name: spit1.exeApplication Version: Timestamp: 51f67134Fault Modu
  3. hi, i just install new windows 10 and i can't use Firefox with ExBrowser Ive tried to unistall Firefox and install a older version - still the same problem Chrome and PhantomjS works fine, problem only with Firefox
  4. Hi everyone ! I'm trying to confirm during few days this dialog button and i'm not obtaining sucess, i have already tryed commands like exbrowser confirm dialog, exbrowser send especial key(enter, tab, etc), exbrowser bring browser to focus (before clicking) and run javascript (tryed some commands click). This is the source code of the page: view-source:https://pje.tjmg.jus.br/pje/login.seam?loginComCertificado=false&cid=43628 Link: https://pje.tjmg.jus.br/pje/login.seam?loginComCertificado=false&cid=42424 This dialog appears after clicking on the button "Acessar com ce
  5. Hello guys ! I know how to set the default directory in Firefox using "$ExBrowser Generic Firefox Preference", "browser.download.dir", but I'm in a different situation. I need to set this directory after i have already launched the Firefox Browser, after searching in ExBrowser Manual, I didn't find anything, but I'm thinking if it is possible to use some cookie command/function to set with it opened, can someone help me with this, please ? Other ways are welcome too. Thanks
  6. Hello, I am trying to paste an html code into a text area... (around 2000+ lines)... at first I tried copy to clipboard and send special keys (CTRL+V) using exbrowser... and it work just fine... (FOR SINGLE THREAD)... but I started having problem with MULTI-THREAD... (is it possible to do local on copy to clipboard????) the problem is... that each thread is supposed to have a UNIQUE HTML CODE... but since copy to clipboard is pretty much pressing CTRL+C to copy... and CTRL+V to paste... one or two threads gets a SIMILAR HTML CODE from time to time... especially if I increase the th
  7. add list to list(%totalElements,$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Scrape List Elements Attribute", "x://button[@title=\"More options\"]", ""),"Don\'t Delete","Global") alert($list total(%totalElements)) when I manually "run node" on the first line... it comes up with the correct %totalElements (32 total) but when I click "RUN" on the entire script... the alert comes up with 200+ %totalElements I also have tested the xpath and I come up with 32 totalElements as well on XPATH PRO BUILDER as well... it just mess up when I start the entire thing...
  8. I am running into some difficulty in downloading a PDF from webpage. I have constructed a URL in the following format: #GET_URL https://www.reports.propertyline.ca/Report/?SessionID=5a97fdac-72a0-4e9f-a7a8-f6a6e30ecfab&ReportID=691581,,&InvoiceID=881294&InvoiceItemID=944037&Type=BasicReport&Agent=2&NoImg=false&AddMap=true&provinceID=21 The problem I am having is that when I use this command to navigate to the page: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Navigate", #GET_URL) This will automatically download the requested "report" and imme
  9. need some help with xpath i want to use ExBrowser Wait For Element(wait for element1 or element2) plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "x://input[@class=\'LinkContinue\']", "Appear", 30) plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "x://span[contains(text(), \'Your registration could not be processed\')]", "Appear", 30) so, i want to combinate both element in in one column something like this: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Wait For Element", "x://input[@class=\'LinkContinue\'] OR x://span[contains(text(), \'Your registration could not
  10. Hi, I'm attempting to select multiple radio buttons (with the same text), using xpath. The html is like this: <input type="radio" class="site-form-field" name="850_4750" id="850_4750_216808" value="#216808"> <label for="850_4750_216808" class="site-form-label inline">Not applicable</label> This command selects the 1st instance of 'Not applicable' but does not select the rest: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Click", "x://label[contains(text(),\"Not applicable\")]") How should I construct the xpath so that it selects ALL radio buttons marked 'Not applicable'
  11. Hi, I'm using the Exbrowser plugin (latest version Update V1.1.7.7) on UBot 5 v17. I'm botting Facebook in Firefox. Like Page() Like Post() Share with Group() FB Comment()I've managed to automate 'Like Page' and 'Share with Group' but 'Like Post' gets skipped completely (works when I manually run the nodes) and 'FB Comment' throws up an error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. - Could it be that I've not chosen the right attribute for xpath? (this code also works sometimes when I manually run the nodes) Here's my code that only works when manually running the nodes: d
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