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Found 8 results

  1. Hi, sorry I'm new to ubot and have a little problem. My Backspace and Delte Keys are not working to delete elements in the node view and also in ui fields. It works fine in the code view and on the webpage itself. Does anybody got the same problem with version: 5.0.13 ?? What also did not work ist to make an undo with "STRG+Z" - I've read in the forums that this should be possible. Thanks
  2. Hello all, I have pulled a list of names using the scrape attribute function but in my list the names appear with a lot of spaces in them for example John (spaces after too) Mike Sally Carol My question is how can I remove all the spaces then use this list as a comparison to say if List item = Mike then do this... Thank you
  3. Within a loop, I'm using "$next list item" to type into an input box from a list. This causes the item to have a comma at the end of it. Example: "dog," How can I hit backspace to delete the comma before moving on with my script? I have tried typing {BK} and {Backspace} into the "Text to Type" field following the "$next list item", but that doesn't work. For reference, I have pro version 4. Thanks.
  4. How can I go through a column of a csv and delete all instances of a letter-even when it is part of a word? For example, remove every instance of the letter "E"? Here is what I have tried: set table cell(&my table, #row_num, 2, $replace($table cell(&my table, #row_num, 2), "Â", $nothing)) increment(#row_num)
  5. I'm trying to search a table and find all instances of a string within a specific column and replace them with nothing. For instance: search Column 1 and replace all instances of the word "mile" with nothing, but keep everything else that is in the cell. How would I go about doing that? Thank you in advance.
  6. Okay here is the deal guys, I have a bot that is going to go into a forum and automatically post a subject, body, and tags. Here is where the problem comes, the bot logs in, starts a new post, adds the subject, and then the body ( which is contained in an iframe window, much like this writing area, they are exactly the same ) and then it posts the body also into the tags area. Is there any way to contain just the body element and allow the #body variable to post only within that? Or the root question, how can I select a block of text and then delete it thus allowing me to add the tags after?
  7. There are form by default has a value. http://img689.imageshack.us/img689/1835/valuec.png If i put the new value there, not replace/delete default value, but only add the new one in front/end of default value. I tried use $replace $nothing to delete but unlucky. How can i remove OR replace 'em?
  8. I am not sure what I did but I can no longer type text in the browser, use the delete button, or click on buttons. Also the google search results are showing up without any style. What happened? http://i46.tinypic.com/9k0bqw.png
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