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Macster (UBotter Labs)

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Everything posted by Macster (UBotter Labs)

  1. The cheapest version is Ubotlocker protection alone, as the Unleashed mod will soon be moved entirely to Ubotter Labs under a free plan to all members, with tons of free features and easier updates and support. PM me with what exactly you need.
  2. I just let you know the problem, so far at least chrome in v2 is not working correctly in multi thread environment. I would had opened a support ticket if it would be just a personal problem. Please have a look at it and see if you can find a fix. [uBotter Labs]
  3. Hey Dan, after lots of tests trying to upgrade one of the old bots i found some important bugs on v2 The "info bars" (normal and experimental) and "disable notifications" parameters do not seem to work correctly. I still receive alerts that block the portable chrome from continuing his work, i.e i never received popup to save password with 1328 Assuming the following code is correct: plugin command("ExBrowser.dll", "ExBrowser Launcher", "Chrome", "", " {$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Use Portable Browser", "Chrome")} {$plugin function("ExBrowser.dll", "$ExBrowser Wind
  4. Thanks for your reply, all in all, I'm sorry but your reasoning is wrong and you know it. I appreciate your work and made donations very glad to pay a subscription to help you with development but do not force my clients. It is correct to block the user from using exbrowser and stop developing if he cancels his subscription, but is wrong to block his clients. In the long run everyone using exb will be bound and forced to pay you a subscription even if Is built free or a one time payments. If I update all my clients and all previous bots to v2, and if for whatever reason I stop paying
  5. Hi @Dan, i was about to upgrade to v2 but got confused about the subscription plans continuity. Simply put, under v2, after one year if i do not continue paying the subscription for whatever reason, what happens with the already compiled bots ? Do the compiled continue working ? I understand that i cannot use exbrowser v2 anymore but the previously compiled bots with my license/subscription continue working for my clients, right ? Thanks
  6. Send an email to the same address that you made the payment with your license details and will reply with a download link.
  7. Yes you can reach meter over his UbotLocker thread or send me a pm. Please explain why would you want the original script ?
  8. Ubotlocker desktop no, however you can use the web server to license php apps. [uBotter Labs]
  9. I still think its pretty self explanatory, read carefully, Ubotter Labs is a monthly payment which is not the same as Ubotlocker Unleashed a one time payment, so not the same pricing. Please read carefully and chose wisely. [uBotter Labs]
  10. All descriptions are pretty self explanatory You only need Ubotlocker Unleashed to self host your own licensing system and sell with all the processors you see inside. [uBotter Labs]
  11. I have not replied because it is working just fine and I cannot control nor know every hosting setup, nor can help everyone to set the hosting. However the phpmail is a known third party universal add-on and works out of the box in most environments but you can check and update it yourself very easy from GitHub. i.e I cannot update the mod Everytime they update phpmail extension as it is not under my control [uBotter Labs]
  12. Reset link for what. Be more explicit. There is no reset link for Ubotlocker, for that you must contact meter and I recommend you don't activate in multiple machines and abuse with resets, activate in a single machine only, or your license will be blocked permanently. [uBotter Labs]
  13. Not yet but will this week. Any of you who uses the Ubotlocker unleashed mod can easily check and update the phpmail extension from GitHub. Later this week will post here a tut how to do it easily. [uBotter Labs]
  14. No worries guys, will check the phpmail part this weekend. Please reach me over Skype Sunday afternoon and will check together. [uBotter Labs]
  15. It's a popular issue on shared hosting. Check my previous message and let me know. [uBotter Labs]
  16. feel free to check meter's original thread and reach him over there if you whish. http://network.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php/topic/12958-sell-ubotlocker-web-web-based-licensing-solution-that-prevents-decompiling-and-cracking/
  17. Chose Trial. Yes it will lock the bot when the trial expires. Its self explanatory on the dash [uBotter Labs]
  18. Check around and let me know. Maybe the host server blocks the output email either due to a sender limit or port getting blocked [uBotter Labs]
  19. You must have changed something or the server did so without knowing what it's hard to help. Check the server logs and see what happened [uBotter Labs]
  20. I believe i already asnweredf to skype and also explained why i cannot answer to couple hundred unclear messages. Please read the first thread post and send a clear skype message with what exactly you need and will look into it. thanks
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