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Everything posted by MrThingy

  1. Hi all, I've got so far with a bot, and have tested it all the way through a login form. I used the drag and drop and UI enter text and it puts my credentials in OK... Then, I ask the bot to click the button on page which it does, however, the problem is the site does not load and take me into the gated area of the site in UBOT. No, I thought I had the UN and PW wrong so tried outside UBOT and I logged in OK? Anyone know why the site isn't loading? Can it tell it's a bot? Confused!!! Thanks all. MrThingy
  2. Hi all, Can someone please fix the links to the videos here: https://ubotstudio.com/tutorials Thanks, MrThing
  3. Ok thank you. Iā€™m guessing I could write a bot to cycle through smaller files? Lol šŸ˜
  4. Hi all, OK, noob alert (sorry!). I bought the software ages ago and despite reading I am only just trying to put it into practice. Re: PROBLEM ADING TEXT FROM A LIST INTO A WEBSITES SEARCH BAR ON A LOOP I've defined a new list and entered 100k line items into a .txt file. I've named the list with good naming conventions and cleared it. I've photographed the area to enter text into. in the TEXT TO TYPE I am using the $text from list parameter (remember the list has 100k lines of date) No text is being called or entered into the search field. I would like
  5. Hi all, Re: Tutorial Videos and Common Sense Guides? Without having to pay, can anyone point me to non-affiliate 'training videos' on YouTube most of which are pretty thin on content and actual practical use cases. Some of the videos on the welcome email I received are down and while I accept links can break, I feel like I've bought a product where there isn't much in the way of comprehensive video tutorials without having to pay for them. Seems a little unfair. I am interested in the following topics: B2B Data Enrichment (Finding URLS. Emails, Addresses etc) Par
  6. OK noob on the forum and as is the way, time to ask some Q's most will feel are dumb... Where can I purchase the plugin please? Some of the links to plugins I have found are down as are the links to the main tutorial videos...
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