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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Hi all, I am scraping a page of results where four of the 8 columns all share the same tags: <td class="num">*</td> The wildcard there represents a number, a percent, a number and anoher percent. So, when I scrape with this setup: <td class="num">*</td> Innertext I end up getting four results per row in the debugger when I should be getting just one. So, what's the best course of action to get around this and speficy that ubot only gets one specific row? Offset? The page is behind a password protected site so can't share unfortunately. Just looki
  2. Hi John is there any way to minimise the browser/resize it soi can narrow the interface? I also noted that one of my ui text boxes doesn't fit correctly in the window and requires resizing every time I run it.
  3. What about your client running a batch file manually i.e. whenever he likes, and the batch file will set a task in the scheduler and that could close it off after completion. So your client would in essence be running a batch file rather than the bot. Edit: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080110072628AAYKwgY I found Michael B's comment quite useful.
  4. Wow, thank you TJ that is above and beyond. I really appreciate this.
  5. Hi TJ Thanks for the quick reply. How do I implement this javascript? What I did was add a new "Load Html" browser command, paste in the code and add a Click button just the same way JohnB had. Then I added them both to a Define routine and called it Progress Bar. Set it to be the first to run above the other commands, however when I ran it the others ran in their normal fashion and this didnt.
  6. Hi all, I want to have a UI monitor that will let the user know that it is finished running (as I wish to set the browser as invisible). What do you feel is the best way to show the process as done? Right now if I run the bot it will look as if nothing is happening with only the Run button becoming active once complete. Thanks
  7. Works a treat, thanks. Any way to hide the address bar?
  8. Hi all, I am using 4.0 Pro and want to know how this would work for phone numbers I would like to remove the first zero from a phone number and replace it with a country code, for example 0443 123 3322 I would want to drop the first 0 and replace it with 61 leaving me with 61443 123 3322 I have the phone number currently inside a variable, called #phone and call upon that variable further on in my bot, so ideally would like to keep the variable name and update the variable value. Thanks in advance!
  9. Hi all, Really interested in trimming my browser window down so the end user cant see what's going on. Can anyone help me with this? I dont mind if it means opening a new tab within the software and displaying a "Working on tasks" image, but I just dont want them watchign the process. Thanks in advance
  10. Im needing help with something similar and can follow along from this point. I have my gmail account set up and bot programmed to log me in. Now, finding specific text on the page will help me out. http://content.screencast.com/users/koconnor00/folders/Jing/media/aa48f5b0-727b-4905-820e-1b529c256d05/2011-12-17_1052.png This is the layout of my gmail. What I want is for the bot to find the text "Woohoo! You've read all the messages in your inbox." and then it will log out (I have the logout routine sorted). I tried scrape attribute but dont know what attribute to select. <div clas
  11. Hi all, I have an idea for a project in ubot. Let's say I scrape the contents of a competitors website each day. Is it possible for ubot to email me the changes to a website If and only If there is a change found on the site/ That would be really useful to monitor pricing changes of a competitor and I could schedule ubot to run on my VPS say once every hour or even every thirty mins. If this could be done, how best to approach something like this? I am totally new to ubot but really like the potential it has. Thanks in advance for your help! BNB
  12. Hi all, Ubot looks amazing - Im curious though if it's possible to do this and if anyone has done anything similar: Today I manually created alerts in Google based on certain keywords I have investigated. What I was doing was setting the alert as "Web" and "As it happens" then for it to produce an RSS Feed. I then take this feed and import it into Google reader. Sounds great and really only takes 40 secs to do but I often import 100 at a time and it takes FOREVER! Can ubot rescue me?
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