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Everything posted by newB

  1. I was getting the errors with XP too. I changed it around a tiny bit and it's working fine now. Instead of using the send keys to field chosen, I used change attributes, and instead of using the $rand for the account functions, I changed it to use the account constants. Played around with the user name just because I wanted to--you can change it back. =P yahooaltered.ubot
  2. Not sure if ubot can do it? I know when I do a search and replace in a txt file for a link return, it does not work; I always have to do it in Word (replace , with ^p in Word works fine, but in txt it just replaces the comma with the actual text lol). I think it's a txt thing, no?
  3. This new forum rules. It's so much faster and nicer looking. =] So I would like clarification too. I have it currently installed on my office desktop and my laptop at home. This means then that I cannot install it on my desktop at home? I travel often so my laptop is the most convenient, sure, but when I finally get a new computer desk, it'd be nice to play around with it at home on my desktop. If I have to choose, I'll just uninstall from my desktop at the office, but if I do and I install it at my desktop at home, it is not going to interpret 3 instances, right? I'll be good?
  4. I finally finished a big bot! =] I could NEVER have done any of this without ubot. It literally saves me a TON of time too. I hit many bumps along the way, I started several baby bots and never finished them, but I finally finished a BIG bot. It's really long. But didn't take too long once I got all my questions answered and help from this forum. You guys are great, really. The support is phenomenal. I'm hoping to learn more about the commands as more video tuts come out (those have been the most helpful) but just wanted to say THANKS!
  5. awesome. thanks so much. i had this on my to do list, but i'm so slow with building these, it was going to be a minute!
  6. If you want to make it where you can input the file names into the ui box, you could do clear list ui block text save to file add to list loop -->list total nav -->next list item wait finish delay 2 Alternatively, if you are working with a list already, skip the block junk, go straight to 'add to list' and pull the file you have etc.
  7. YES! That problem I do have; I've been trying to put delays in too and it helps a little but still will zoom forward. I'm ging to try a different approach as the one I was using it on doesn't always do the click dialogue action so I think that is why it hangs or fast forwards so will just have to see, but a relief to know I'm not the only one with that problem.
  8. newB

    can this be done?

    Thank you so much! I was so frustrated with this thing for the first hour and a half and then I found the other vids on the regular page and they were so much easier to understand than that manual (for me). And it was just a breeze after that. I wanted to return the thing for a refund asap because I thought I could never understand this stuff, but once you get it, you get it! Thanks for all the help! I'm up at 3am here so have to really be to bed, but was so excited about this new toy lol. Will have to try it out tomorrow more or this weekend!
  9. newB

    can this be done?

    Also, I am not sure I grasp how to get the nav command to pull a url from the list. I only seem to get it to work without errors by manually putting the url in the url blank for the nav. What am I doing wrong?
  10. newB

    can this be done?

    I'll give it a go. Still not all great with using the loops and if then type of routines yet. I've never done any coding type stuff at all before so this is all very new to me! But I seem to have the basics working well which has been exciting cause I know absolutely nothing about making bots or coding for that matter!
  11. I would like to be able to load a list of urls via a txt file into the bot and have it go through each url and do the scripted commands. I just can't figure out how to do this. Help? So in other words, I have 5 urls, I want to go to the first one, login, upload or write or whatever, logout, go to the next one, login, upload or write or whatever, logout, go to the next one...etc. Can this be done if the urls are different? Or do I have to just clone and edit? edited to add: the actions in each site remains the same btw. I'm thinking I'm missing a simple solution here....................
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