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Everything posted by tripros

  1. Hi Carl, Great UI builder! Been using it for a few days and ran into a few issues I can't resolve. No matter how I add it, can't get a checkbox to be 'checked' - never allows me to actually check it when running the bot. and secondly, have one text box that is always out of order when tabbing through the form, even though the numbering is fine in the code, it's all in order. I remove it and add it back again, still is out of order. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks!
  2. Thanks Aymen, sure thing, only had 2 set of div tags and removed them, all the rest are tables just as you suggested. Still getting the blank pdf every time I run it. Took out class attributes, took about td alignments, took out style attributes and left with just the table and still getting a blank pdf. Not sure, can you advise? Thanks much
  3. Just picked up the plugin, looks great in the simple tests with the html to pdf I did, thanks! However, when adding any html more than just line breaks and title tags, it saves a blank pdf. Strip out everything but simple line breaks, works great. Can you advise how much html (or what type of html, tables, styling, etc) it supports? Or what I need to do to get it working? Attempting to convert reports into pdf that are currently being saved to an html file. I've tried reading the file, saving the contents to a variable and then doing the pdf, saving the table contents to the html content direc
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