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Everything posted by tripros

  1. Any thoughts on this Nick? Believe it's a http post plugin issue, but not sure if it's just me or if anyone else is running into this issue? Can anyone else that has this try a search that normally has youtube videos on the first page and see if the youtube videos show in the results? Appreciate any feedback!
  2. OK, here was the solution. uLibrary skipped a plugin that I forgot was being used on this script. After troubleshooting for a while went line by line through everything and found one plugin that was being referenced that uLibrary didn't turn on (or turned off from opening another script) and was causing the troubles. Not sure I understand the concept of how uLibrary functions on selecting the plugins, it appears that you either have to use uLibrary all the time, or never to open the scripts to avoid this issue?
  3. Hey Nick, Using uLibrary to open ubot scripts and ran into an issue. Opened one up and ran fine, switched to another script, ran fine, went back manually to open this original script and showed an error, missing a plugin (the plugin had a space in the name btw). I added the plugin back into ubot (4 dev) and restarted ubot 4, loaded the script and still tells me error in code before switching to node view. Didn't make any changes to the script, but now can't run it. Tried opening it in ubot 5 and got an 'assertion' error, and ubot 5 closed. Can't open this script and only thing I did was use
  4. As I see it, this plugin connects to the wordpress site of your choice and uses the built in user management to authorize access, making it easy to use wordpress as your user management system for your bots. Unless you give out the same user/pass (created in wp) which won't work as noted above. Believe Aymen made this to make it easy to manage user/pass for your bot buyers since most are already familiar with WP and how to register, get credentials, etc and be able to limit access (or revoke access) to your bots to registered wp users. As long as they are registered with the wp site you connec
  5. Getting an 'unhandled exception' error when using f5 to refresh with the latest updated version. Just FYI
  6. Hi Nick, Did you notice that no youtube videos show in the bot results even if they exist in the actual search results? Believe this has something to do with using the post plugin, been testing it on other bots and no matter how I try, no youtube results show in the results if you use the plugin. If you scrape the old school way, they show fine. I have an app that needs the youbtube results, but would like to use the post plugin for the speed. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  7. Hi Carl, Not sure if I have the latest version of 4.x, seems like the drop down element is mixing up the values and what is displayed, been needing to fix all drop downs manually after export. I'm not getting an update when starting it up, so assume I have the latest version? Can you advise? Thanks
  8. Aymen, Thanks for the 1.3.3 update, just tested and it still does not save the file name extension (.png, .pdf, .jpg) when attaching. Tested it several times with several files and they are all attached, but without the file name extension so cannot preview or save. You mentioned this fix would be in this update about a month ago. Can you advise please? Thanks
  9. Aymen, Thanks for the 1.3.3 update, just tested and it still does not save the file name extension (.png, .pdf, .jpg) when attaching. Tested it several times with several files and they are all attached, but without the file name extension so cannot preview or save. You mentioned this fix would be in this update about a month ago. Can you advise please? Thanks
  10. Hey Rich, I use this plugin every day so can answer a few questions The extension issue has not been resolved, update with the fix was scheduled but looks like not ready yet. Simple HTML is good, use it all the time. Some advanced HTML doesn't seem to work, but I don't use any so that's fine, I just use simple html like line and paragraph breaks, images, fonts, etc. Haven't tested multiple attachments. HTH!
  11. Been using the plugin for a while and it's been great! Noticed on the latest version, the PDF Command in the ubot menu is 'htmltopdf' rather than the previous 'html to pdf'. Doesn't seem to run properly any more, if I change it back to html to pdf it runs fine. Just FYI!
  12. Forgot to ask, does it run on ver 5.x? or just 4.x? Thanks
  13. Looks great Nick, you mentioned source code. Picked up previous source from you and were very helpful. Let me know if this one is available, dropped you a pm earlier too. Thanks!
  14. Sure thing, when you receive the email sent, it's named 'myfilename' NOT 'myfilename.pdf' or 'myfilename.PNG' etc. There is no file extension attached to the attached file name, although I AM adding the file extension (.png, etc) to the file name in ubot code as normal. Let me know if you need anything else. Thanks Aymen!
  15. Hi Aymen, Thanks for the updates! Attachment filename works fine now, but the file extension doesn't get saved even though it is specified after the file name as normal (.png) so it attaches as 'filename' (without the extension) Can you advise? Thanks!
  16. Hi Aymen, Any news on the email attachment issue? Thanks much!
  17. Hi Aymen, Just checking in to see if you had any news on the attachment issue? Have a project waiting and client is antsy Thanks a bunch for any help!
  18. Quick update Aymen, tested a little more and noted that the actual file is being attached to the email. If I rename the 'Noname' file name that is attached to the email to any name with a .PNG extension (the original file is a PNG image) it shows properly, so the issue is the file naming, not the actual attaching function. Thanks
  19. Yes, the attachment is not included, just a 0K size filename called 'Noname', not the attachment I specified. I specified the file name in the same format as I did to save it in the code right above it (ie C:\User\xxxx etc).
  20. Hi Aymen, thanks for this, email sending on latest version works great. Having trouble with attachments, using same example as you provide in video putting attachment before the send, change body to HTML. Any attachment I include, in the same format as I'm using to save it (which works to save) but doesn't work with the email plugin, leaves a 'noname' file as attachment in the email rather than the one I specify. Can you advise? Thanks!
  21. Running into same issue, just loaded one of my UI's used in a current beta test bot and added something, 2 elements disappeared by themselves! Can't finish editing a UI without redoing everything that disappears. All intermittent. Also, base64 images don't seem to work, they are being cut off. Worked ok for me in previous version. Thanks for the updates Carl! (and agree, love it!)
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