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Everything posted by memeuu

  1. Want to Start Making Money By Selling Ubot Software? Rebrand my Ubot Programs and Sell Them as Your Own and Keep 100% Profit! Instantly start your own software selling business or add to your software business by selling my Ubot programs under your brand. Here are the Premium Ubot Software Programs: http://webmasterbots.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/pad-box-small.jpg Pad Software Submitter Bot This software submits Pad File to 200 software directories. Target audience is software developers and software product sellers. Click for more Info on this program Rebrand Rights: $97 Source
  2. I've reworded my original post: My program will close any browser.exe crashes. Every 60 seconds, this bot will scan your windows list and if browser.exe crashes window is found, it will close ALL of them down at the same time. It doesn't close down browser.exe, only the browsers that have crashed with the crash windows popup. This program closes the crashed windows only.
  3. >> For Sale With Source Code! << http://bestplrproducts.com/PLR1/3/WordpressUpdater/mass-wordpress-update.pngThis Bot Updates ALL of Your Wordpress Sites and Plugins with 1-Click! Wordpress sites are constantly being attacked. A lot of the time is due to outdated wordpress versions and plugins. You've probably seen one of these alerts yourself when visiting a website. http://bestplrproducts.com/PLR1/3/WordpressUpdater/unsafe.png If you have multiple sites running on wordpress, then you know its a HUGE pain to go around and update each site one at a time. Wordpress is constantly bei
  4. http://advancelinking.com/images/wp-updater-attention.jpg 16% of all websites on the internet are powered by Wordpress. Wordpress sites are getting hacked by the masses daily. I know getting hacked is scary, because many of my sites were hacked.... However, this led me to develop a new desktop software to QUICKLY & EASILY mass update & secure all of my sites with just 1 click. Now all of my sites are updated, secured, and are automatically backed up daily giving me peace of mind....http://advancelinking.com/images/wp-updater-mind-cover.jpg Update & Protect ALL of Your Wordpress Si
  5. Submit Your Software Programs to 200 Software Directory Sites! Increase Downloads, Backlinks, and Web Traffic to Your Software Product Site. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VspTeYH8fto http://webmasterbots.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/pad-box-small.jpg Here are the main features: http://webmasterbots.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/pad-submitter.jpg http://webmasterbots.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/features.jpg I am selling the Source Code to the Pad Submitter Bot for $149! (if you are a previous customer, I will give you a $27 discount) Easily rebrand this program with your
  6. I'll sell source code for $149 or $399 for exclusive source code which only 1 Buyer and I will have the source code. If anybody interested, pm me.
  7. I just released a free bot to close down browser.exe. Check http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/13968-free-automatically-close-ubot-browserexe-crashes-fix/
  8. Hi, I've been selling ubot programs and one of the biggest problem is the annoying browser.exe crashes. This occurs quite frequently especially with multi-threading. I've created a simple little bot in Win Automation that will close any browser.exe crashes. Every 60 seconds, this bot will scan your windows list and if browser.exe crashes window is found, it will close ALL of the error browser windows down at the same time. Closing these crashed windows will not affect your UBOT, so no worries. This bot runs using only 15mb memory and can work alongside multiple ubot programs at once. I
  9. Thank you for this contribution to the ubot community!
  10. You can use the malware scanner feature in the updater to check ANY site to see if it is listed as dangerous and also found as containing malware.
  11. http://advancelinking.com/images/wp-updater-attention.jpg 16% of all websites on the internet are powered by Wordpress. Wordpress sites are getting hacked by the masses daily. I know getting hacked is scary, because many of my sites were hacked.... However, this led me to develop a new desktop software to QUICKLY & EASILY mass update & secure all of my sites with just 1 click. Now all of my sites are updated, secured, and are automatically backed up daily giving me peace of mind....http://advancelinking.com/images/wp-updater-mind-cover.jpg Update & Protect ALL of Your Wordpress Si
  12. Just wanted to say a big thanks for your 30 days class! it was a big help to me!
  13. The submitter is fully automated, you would just need a pad file url for submissions. There are no pad submission forms to fill. Most software directories will need approval. If you are submitting a legitimate software product, the success rate will be really high. If you are submitting affiliate products or fake software to promote affiliate links, then it will be much lower approval rate. The bot only communicates with my server during the license check whenever the program runs.
  14. Thank you. I do plan to add in more Pad directories in the future. This pad submitter bot does not come with source code, at least not for $7 Feel free to let me know if you have any other questions.
  15. Submit Your Software Programs to 200 Software Directory Sites! Increase Downloads, Backlinks, and Web Traffic to Your Software Product Site. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VspTeYH8fto Get The Pad Software Submitter Bot for Only $27 http://webmasterbots.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/webmasterbots-buy-button.jpeg After Payment You Will Get Instant Access to Download Pad Software Submitter http://webmasterbots.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/pad-box-small.jpg Here are the main features: http://webmasterbots.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/pad-submitter.jpg http://webmasterbots.com/wp-content/
  16. What a GREAT Product. I'm a very happy customer!
  17. Didn't get update yet, just pmed you. BTW, does this new update affect the codes we add inside ubot too or just the php file codes on the server?
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