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Super Dave

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Everything posted by Super Dave

  1. Ok so here's the deal, this sub has been giving me headaches for a while now and frankly I've tried most everything I can think of, and at this point my logic might be so backwards that it alone is what's keeping this from working. I hope that having a few more pairs of eyes on this will help so I'm releasing a really handy sub routine that I use is all my twitter bots. But it's broken, sorta... let me explain. This bot works like this : http://i.imgur.com/Vb6Ku.jpg I'd like to say that everything works as it should but for time to time but unfortunately it acts kinda strange when a bot
  2. I'd like to recommend that anyone using anything dealing with javascript add this bug fix to their codes. If the page you're navigating to doesn't contain javascript ubot doesn't have any libraries to go off of either. This fixes that. Skip through the comments and feel free to copy the sub at the end. javascript-fix.ubot
  3. It might be personal pref but I've had trouble in the past with page scrape and have since tried to use chooseBy almost exclusively. Take a look at the attached bot. If you run the bot by itself you'll be able to see the debug IP at the top. You can also include this bot into your current script by setting the value of your #variable to "return value(runSub:getCurrentIP)". The debug is an example of this. get-current-ip.ubot
  4. I do this regularly and I feel dirty for giving up this golden nugget.. So what's the solution? A combination of XAMPP and a simple app built with the cakePHP framework. Cake has a feature known as 'scaffolding' where once a database is created (and the tables are named following the cakephp convention) the framework pretty much builds out the app for your CRUD functions with a VERY expandable code base making 3rd party code (think plugins, facebook connect, twitter apis, etc) 'a piece of cake' to integrate. Together with uBot you have a devastating arsenal at your disposal. If you nee
  5. A useragent is a string all browsers identify themselves with as you visit a website. This useragent is how sites like Twitter, Facebook, and others are able to tell if you're a mobile device like iPhone and Android, or a normal web based browser like Opera, Chrome or IE. Your useragent can also enable these sites to see you're using automation software depending on the footprint provided by your useragent. Becasue of this Meter has developed a great tool to manipulate the computer's memory so that uBot's Useragent could be changed! What I've done was wrapped Meter's exe with a ubot sub t
  6. Unfortunately Meter's program is limited to the memory already set by uBot. If ubot sets X characters of a useragent, Meter is only able to manipulate those bits that make up the current UA. It's this limitation that 'cuts' the remaining characters from the new UA
  7. I'm not sure if this is what's giving everyone trouble lately but I remember when I first started playing with useragents I had a hard time tracking down why sometimes it would work, while other time it wouldn't... Basically what it boiled down to was the studio vs compiled exe's. What I've done was wrapped Meter's exe with a ubot sub that accepts two parameters. The first being the name of the bot and the second being the name of the compiled exe. I did this in a sub so that if I was developing in studio I could leave the exe parameter blank and it would auto fill the setting for UBotDe
  8. You may also want to have the subs return their status as a result of the actions. I code a lot of mine that way so I can keep my logs clean and my code modular. #site-status = returnValue(someSub) if #site-status (contains("error")) log #site-status else log "Success"
  9. Thanks everyone for your comments and suggestions. I've had some time to restructure our architecture and I've got a pretty good system that's working for the team and is super easy to manage. Here's how I did it.. After the post above I was told we'd be getting another 20 units to integrate into the system and I had to hurry to get a plan in place. There'd be two Phases. First would be to deploy the new set then integrate that set into the bigger architecture when the whole thing gets restructured. So while I was working on the new boxes I had to name and configure the IPs on each machin
  10. Hey guys I've been pretty out of tune with the forums lately but I hope we can get some good discussion from this one =] My director has a habit of poor planning and our team is normally tasked to put out the fires and 'just make it work' when things don't happen as he expects. That being said our team built the backend architecture for ubots to check in and get job details, process those details depending on the type of bot, and finally report back with a status of the job. For the individual bots themselves we started using virtual machinces to localize each session and cookie data but
  11. My bad, I've never played with scripts in this sense and subs have always been more portable in my opinion. I've included an example of how to structure the same sub to be used with either a static display that updates at the end of the sub routine, or updates while calling the sub each time. I don't think we're talking about two different things just how we each go about implementing them. I'm going to start another thread and get some insight as to the benefits of running scripts vs running subs and see what kind of feedback we get. Cheers! ui-update-examples.ubot
  12. I'm a little confused by your example but I think I can walk you through this.. think of each of your subs as a one-time-only routine with a status at the end. So, "sub CreateAccount" will take parameters like desired name, password, email, etc and make one account. At the end of the signup process there's a token you can search for to conclude the account has been created, as in "if searchpage(Account Created!)". If at the end of the whole process I can't find that token I will then search for reasons that token isn't there "Username too long" "password needs to be XXXX" whatever. Do your res
  13. The way I build my bots is in functionalized library files like you're talking about. Each of the routines in there accepts parameters and returns a status. If everything goes according to plan that status is SUCCESS any errors are returned instead. Consider your master script is calling a sub that navigates to a page and you want to monitor that the page loaded without errors (like your proxy died or the page no longer has the target element you want, etc) set #monitor = return value (sub navigate HTTP://????) if #monitor CONTAINS SUCESS do something cool else evaluate #monitor and lo
  14. It'll display a visible countdown on screen. In this example, 30 sec.
  15. It's been a while since I've dropped any nuggets in the forum so.. I'm doing my thing in the lab today and thought this could be useful to someone =] I use this setup in almost all of my bots that have to 'rest' in between collecting job details. The code is pretty self explanatory but feel free to hit me up with your questions. Cheers guys! http://imgur.com/0XaV1.jpg
  16. Throw this code into a php file on your server and use it instead of the other .com <!-- UA.PHP --> <HTML> <HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="CACHE-CONTROL" CONTENT="NO-CACHE"> </HEAD> <BODY> <CENTER><B><DIV id='useragent'><?=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];?></DIV></B></CENTER> </BODY> </HTML>
  17. Twitter's Beta is having trouble loading in ubot. Anyone else noticing this? I'm finding that my login routines keep failing because once the cookie is set, the resulting page will only load the top twitter 'toolbar' and the rest of the page is blank. If from there I click the 'home' link in the toolbar the page will load.. there's gotta be something that I'm bot triggering that keeps the rest of the page from loading. Any ideas?
  18. The reason why your items were one digit off is because list ITEM #s start at 0, while list POSITIONS start at 1. 1. [0] First 2. [1] Second 3. [2] Third To store the VALUE of the current POSITION you have to take an ITEM that's one LESS than the current POSITION number: http://imgur.com/OcNEt.jpg
  19. Great share Meter. As with the others, I'm curious how you feel about distributing it with our code?
  20. If your nav commands are set to not wait be sure to use the "wait for" command and target an element at the bottom of the HTML. Inside of FB there's a lot of easy html that's loaded first and then the more API driven stuff comes in after. Most likely wont cause any issues but better off getting into the habit now than trying to figure out why later on ;]
  21. Can you elaborate on elements of ubot's footprint? I've tried all that are listed in my post as well as changing the speed and nature of the process. I've tested so many different angles, one at a time, and it still feels like I'm just scratching the surface. Exactly what I was thinking and when I started testing I had those things in mind. Random status updates, random image changes, random time delays and times that mimic manual entry. This isn't something I thought of. I'm gonna start testing this concept and see what happens. Thanks everyone for the insight so far.
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