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Posts posted by stanf

  1. the update log txt does not clear anything up for me




    plugin command("Advanced Google Drive.dll", "drive clear login cache", "All")
    comment("not sure if the set command is the proper use")
    set(#set this,$plugin function("Advanced Google Drive.dll", "$drive create login url", "Here is your client ID", "Here is your client secret ", "my@email.com"),"Global")
    plugin command("Advanced Google Drive.dll", "drive connect", "what goes here")

  2. add list to list(%ffff,$plugin function("Open.Framework.dll", "get files in folder", "C:\\Users\\stanford\\Downloads\\New folder (2)"),"Delete","Global")
    set list position(%ffff,0)
    loop($list total(%ffff)) {
        navigate($next list item(%ffff),"Wait")

  3. i cant diagnose this because of incomplete data.

    1. dont know what the the variable #Navigate contains or is supposed to contain

    2.you are scraping data into the variable #Boardname ( i need to see the page and the code to see what is going on)

    3. the click command same as line 2

     4. your wait times seem excessive ( if the program is moving to fast and you think these are not loaded by the time you get to them i suggest build in some test to ensure that the item has loaded before you move on



    set counter =0 //this counter comes into play at the bottom of the script

    set #is the item there =no 


    loop while #is the item there =no

                    item exist (true/false)

                    if item exist =true


    set #is the item there =yes


                    wait 1

                    increment counter


                   counter =10


                   alert " looped  thru 10 times cant find it"

    stop script


    (this keeps looping until it finds the item or stops at 10 to prevent a runaway loop)



    all this does is slows the program down until the item is loaded

  4. i dont see aproblem with the second half



    set(#Random Number,$rand(3,32),"Global")
    comment("loose the eval statement")
    set(#Random Board,$multiply(2,#Random Number),"Global")
    alert(#Random Board)
    loop(1) {
        comment("i needed a page to goto")
        wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","")
    clear list(%UsernameURL)
    add item to list(%UsernameURL,$url,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
    set(#username1,$replace($list item(%UsernameURL,0),"https://www.pinterest.com/",""),"Global")

  5. there are more clever ways to do this, but since the placement of the data will never change this is quick and easy


    clear all data
    set(#raw data,$scrape attribute(<class="content">,"innertext"),"Global")
    add list to list(%break out data,$list from text(#raw data,$new line),"Delete","Global")
    set(#raw data,"","Global")

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