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Everything posted by hanapco

  1. Hi, I'm working on a bot the opens an FB popup and after liking it, how can I close the popup window? Thanks
  2. had the similar issue and was able to fix by setting user agent to safari. see if that will help.
  3. I have a couple of questions 1. How to handle multiple buttons with ubot? 2. If I'm using a wait for element and I wanted it to proceed to another task if after a number of seconds it the element is not there. I was thinking of a for loop that checks for existence but maybe a better solution exist. Thanks in advance
  4. I'm trying to create a bot for http://socialmediaexplode.com but when i try to open a popup window in ubot, it doesn't display correctly. It works ok in firefox/chrome/ie. Below is my code. Thank you. ui text box("username", #username) ui text box("password", #password) navigate("http://socialmediaexplode.com/xchange.php?p=fb2", "Wait") if($exists(<username field>)) { then { type text(<username field>, #username, "Standard") type text(<password field>, #password, "Standard") click($element offset(<login button>, 0), "Left Click", "No")
  5. ok i have missed a step. all is ok now
  6. JohnB, were you able to preview even without the file upload? Thanks I'm getting <h3>Oops! You haven't finished filling the form in</h3>
  7. I'm trying out ubot and decided to create an ads poster for gumtree australia. I'm having two problems 1. I'm getting a validation error when I run preview but I know all required fields where entered, looks like gumtree can tell it's a bot because if i enter same details manually I can go to preview. 2. How can I automate the picture upload, the way it works is a file browser shows and after choosing file it's uploaded as soon as it is selected. Tried the change file but didn't work. Thanks for any help ui text box("email", #username) ui text box("Password", #password) set user agent("F
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