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Everything posted by Brutal

  1. Today I noticed that some enterprising individual ripped the gui from a free bot that I have floating around on the net. So I have 2 questions. 1- Exactly how did he manage to get my code since I see no obvious or apparent way of doing this. 2- Exactly how can I prevent this from happening?
  2. Cnotey what I do is save my custom defines to text files appropriately named so that when I am building bots I can just copy/paste my reusable data into my bot and really takes up no extra time. I steer clear of the bot bank because I have heard guys on here talking about losing the whole thing. All their custom stuff just wiped out, so for me, the safe and fast alternative it to save in text files for simple copy/paste as needed.
  3. Rule suggestion: Enforce the rules. I know it sounds odd, but a zero tolerance policy on a forum is usually the best policy. Let me relate it like this. I am a member in good standing at the warrior forum. I love that site, I can't even begin to count the money, lists, and contacts it has made for me over time. As such, I have become friends with some of the higher level mods. - But a short while ago I got a little aggressive, and I was automatically banned. Period. It was in the rules. They didn't talk to me about it, didn't give me any chances to redeem myself, no avenue to plead my ca
  4. I have had a lot of customers contact me telling me that my bot is being flagged as a threat. (obviously they want confirmation or they wouldn't have contacted me), so I simply tell them this: The warning you are getting is a false positive. The software was created using Ubot, and you can do a search on google for Ubot false positive and see that this is very well documented and the software is completely safe. As far as I know, I have never lost a customer because of the false positives. -- Just putting this out there for people who are faced with the same thing and don't know how to ad
  5. Outstanding idea - I would love to have a specific place to go to in order to buy things like email accounts, web 2.0 accounts, proxies and so on that I plan to use for testing so have no real desire to take the time to build a bot for.
  6. This may be what you are looking for: add list to list(%StuffYouAreScraping, $list from text($scrape attribute(<value=w"* ">, "value"), $new line), "Delete", "Global") This will take your bunched up list that is all crammed together and re-format it how you are wanting. I can't take any credit for this - I just had a similar issue and ZAP came in and gave me the code to achieve this. After you do this, you can drag your %StuffYouAreScraping list into your load html and it will display how you want it.
  7. Welcome dinesh - This is the best support forum I have ever been involved with. There are a lot of highly advanced ubot users here who will help you on any aspect. (they wont do your work for you - but they will help you understand how to achieve what ever is giving you trouble).
  8. Guys, thanks so much for all of the help on this - It was driving me nuts. -- Each time I tried the solutions you gave me (as I understood them) I still ended up with the same results UNTIL zap listed the code there so that I could adapt to my own situation. Man I didn't even know that you could pile it all on top of each other like that! - That is some powerful stuff! So, thanks again to everyone for helping me out - and zap, not only did you help me with the final solution but your example opened new doors for me - so a huge thanks for that!
  9. getting the list isnt a problem - the problem comes when i want to format that list into a (0) (1) (2) (3) sort of thing.... it is putting all of the list as a single item on position 0
  10. I have tried the things both of you guys mention - but not having any success. Anything to add?
  11. This is the code view of what I have that is causing the problem.
  12. This is how I am doing it that is giving me the problem. Where am I going wrong?
  13. Hey guys - I can't remember having this issue before, so I am either doing something differently, or I just never noticed it before - But I need a little help in figuring it out. Step 1 - I scrape some data into a variable. Step 2 - I dump the data from the variable into a list. So now the list shows 1 item... which is all the data from the scrape. Step 3 - I take that list and add list to list with list from text so that I can change it from being counted as a single item into a 1 per type of list. So after I take those steps, I end up with a list like this: (0) - contains all s
  14. vBoss - your example is a little above my pay grade... However! Thanks for sharing it - I can now play around with your method and learn it. As for the issue I was having. It was a complete gooftard moment. I simply needed to reset the list position immediately before execution. (pffft. Spent hours on something so simple) Thanks for all of your help around here man - I really appreciate it.
  15. I just gave it a try Vboss. - Same issue. The "set>keywordvar>next list item -- is still throwing the error... I'm at a complete loss on this -- any other ideas? I'll happily try it.
  16. This is really causing me confusion. I run this code in a stand alone environment and it does fine - No errors, no issues. However, if I put this code (which is a self contained unit it seems) in with the code in a larger bot, I get the error of exceeded the range of the list on next list item. Can anyone explain to me why this happens?
  17. Brutal

    Add to list

    thanks magoo - yeah pftg4, just want to add the same thing to all.
  18. Brutal

    Add to list

    If I scrape data from a webpage, and scrape that data to a list: (0)item 1 (1)item 2 (2)item 3 (3)item 4 (4)item 5 But, I want to add something to the end of each list item: (0)item 1ABC (1)item 2ABC (2)item 3ABC (3)item 4ABC (4)item 5ABC How would I go about achieving that?
  19. Well said Rich. Another point on the same note: Simply set your bot to do the login process immediately after the long wait cycle since you already know the session will be timed out.
  20. Hey Boss -- No, I don't have an issue with getting duplicate urls, the problem is that I only want the first url with the keyword and no others.
  21. Ok - I got that part figured out! ... Now the challenge is in that on some searches the blue-poots comes up multiple times, so instead of grabbing 1 url, it grabs them all.
  22. Here's another one that seems like it should be easy yet I am struggling with it. This is the scenario: 1- I type a keyword into ui text field. 2- Keyword is used for a google search 3- In the results, if a specific keyword is found on the page, then it writes that url to a list. 4- In the results, if a specific keyword is NOT found on the page, then it writes KEYWORD NOT FOUND to that same list where the url would have gone. So, lets say i give my bot 3 keywords to search google for... 1- keyword 1 2- keyword 2 3- keyword 3 And in the google search results we are looking for the
  23. Kevin, - thanks so much for jumping in and to help - I truly appreciate it!
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