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Everything posted by VentureOnline

  1. Ive had a lot of success using monthly and lifetime license options for the same product. Make the monthly's reasonably priced and make the lifetimes a premium. This way you bring in many monthly users that keep financing the updates and you get big payments out of the lifetimes. If you don't offer lifetimes at all you are alienating a big portion of buyers that won't pay monthly's. Many users would rather pay much much more just to not have to pay a monthly. Also keep in mind that in this industry many users take a stab at online endeavours and drop out when they realize its hard to make t
  2. Did you pu Did you upload the php file and set the url of the PHP file as the directions state.
  3. What I mean is it checked in the plugin list? We haven't had any other reports of errors in the code. Are you missing anything else, possibly the HTTP post plugin?
  4. I created a source code that shows how to do this. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/18137-solve-new-google-captcha-with-dbc-2captcha/
  5. 2Captcha requires the Advanced Image Plugin to work since its required to reduce the image size.
  6. We've had hundreds of updates since your last post. FCS is one of the leading SEO tools on the market at this point.
  7. Sorry guys this source code is just showing how to implement the captcha. I put this together because many people kept asking me to. If you want to report fails then just use the free advanced captcha plugin by Pash and report the fail. Anybody with 2 minutes on their hands is more than capable of figuring this out for themselves.
  8. Hey guys so a bit of an update on this issue as I know some people may be interested. In comparison to my sales I don't get a lot of disputes filed. When I do its usually unauthorized access disputes which when I called paypal about that they said theres really nothing the seller can do to prove anything. When an unauthorized accesss dispute is filed Paypal checks to see if there was any unauthorized access to their account. If not you get your money returned. So for these disputes I never respond and i'd say 75% of them get resolved in my favor in the end. This brings me to the bigger prob
  9. Same here. Im still stuck on version 4. Ive tried updating to 5 twice and just get slammed with costumer emails of crashes. Really wish they would have just stayed with 4 and gone from there rather than re-building everything to 5. Almost 2 years after 5's release and its still not as stable as the last 4 release, which in all honesty isn't that stable either.
  10. So the browser crashes aren't any better with this update? Just a new crash screen?
  11. Unauthorized payment dispute is different then a regular dispute. I win 90% of those because they check if there was any un-authorized access to their account. If not they give you back the money. The real issue is with regular claims and proving that you have delivered the digital product as claimed. Thats harder to prove.
  12. It doesn't show the captcha for you normally because you're probably logged into Gmail within your browser and they know you are a human due to your normal interaction. For bots, browsers searching privately or users not logged into any Google service you will get the puzzle to solve.
  13. Yep the Advanced Image plugin is paid. Basically you'd just need to replace the line where the Advanced Image plugin is used with any other method to reduce the image size. Its just 1 line of code for 2Captcha and 1 line for DBC. Unfortunately the ubot save image command saves the images at about 250kb which is too big so the Advance Image plugin is the best and easiest workaround I found.
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