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Everything posted by Ghoast

  1. I've made a bot which should insert a string of text into a block of text. I want it to insert the text after a random fullstop '.' So far I've got this: set(#blocktext - text from file set(#blocktext, $insert text(#blocktext, ". {#stringtoinsert}", $find index(#blocktext, ".")), "Global") This inserts my string after the FIRST fullstop in every block text.. However I want to randomize this and make it choose a random full stop to insert the string after. After some hours of working on it I think a solution could be to return the indexes of all the full stops and then instruct ub
  2. I've made a bot which should insert a string of text into a block of text. I want it to insert the text after a random fullstop '.' So far I've got this: set(#blocktext - text from file set(#blocktext, $insert text(#blocktext, ". {#stringtoinsert}", $find index(#blocktext, ".")), "Global") This inserts my string after the FIRST fullstop in every block text.. However I want to randomize this and make it choose a random full stop to insert the string after. After some hours of working on it I think a solution could be to return the indexes of all the full stops and then instruct ub
  3. I'm trying to make a bot which can take a 500 word article and put html code into it at various places.. I basically want it to insert the HTML code after either the first, second, third, fourth or fith full stop in every article. This should be chosen at random.. SO far I'm using the 'insert text' function and I'm not sure what to put in the 'position to insert text' box.. Would appreciate any help on this one
  4. haha, it was a great fix - but 'this is not allowed with you current version of the software' - lol ubot is such a joke.. I mean WTF? I get mult-threading being for advanced and dev but just a bloody add files command? pfffff...
  5. I have a folder on my computer. It's called /photos I have many images in this folder. My bot creates blogs. I want my bot to go through the images in this folder and upload one image per blog site. Each image can only be used on one site and can only be used once. How do I go through a folder systematically like this? I can do this very easily when I'm working with a .txt list but I'm not sure how to do it when it comes to files within folders instead of just lines within a .txt file.. Thanks!
  6. I'm using the random list item command to select and item from a list. After this item has been selected randomly and used once I want it to be deleted so it cannot be randomly selected again. How do I do this? Thanks
  7. Hey mate - thanks you're spot on! I'm sure there's some sort of Javascript fix that would work - unfortunately I don't know how to use it - was hoping someone could share some code It would make it so much easier to get links from a lot more places - funnily enough it's sometimes hard to find blogs that allow HTML after you've been through the mainstream ones..
  8. Yeah - I saw that thread - I was hoping there was a javascript work around - something similar to the way people have been 'dragging and dropping' on some sites - this was fixed with javascript
  9. I'm scraping a URL and at the end of the url is #mes I need to replace #mes with nothing but whenever I write #mes ubot thinks it's a variable - how do I stop this from happening and just get ubot to think of it as a word instead of a variable?
  10. Um yeah if it was literally for this forum it would be bbcode.. As it happens on other sites I'm using it's actually HTML.. but what I want to do is the same for both - I need to highlight a word..
  11. I have a pretty good computer - I can easily run photoshop, a wysiwyg web editor, firefox(with 20+tabs open), spinning software and be connected to remote desktop WITH skype running in the background and have no problems at all... However when I run ubot (with no other programs running) it's constantly crashing.. The amount of work I've lost because of this is countless.. Not huge amounts of work - I'm always saving constantly - but just small amounts of work which I then have to tediously re-do.. For example I just made a small script which fills out the forms on the first page of a sign
  12. Here's the text: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear useraccount, Thanks for registering with blogigo! Your login data: Username: useraccount Password: mMtz8 You can now login at http://www.blogigo.com/ using the form in the upper left! The password is too complicated? Having logged in, you can change it using \My profile\. We are looking forward to your weblog, Your blogigo team -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I need to scrape the password out of here.. I
  13. I think you guys might be missing what I'm saying here.. Imagine you are making a bot for this forum - you want to make it so the bot can put in links when it posts.. There is no 'html' button where you can put in raw html code. The only way you can make a link is by highlighting a word then clicking on the 'link' button.. How would you go about doing this with ubot? I'm saying that there might be a way you can do it via javascript as there isn't a command (that I'm aware of) that can highlight text in ubot.. Any ideas?
  14. Hi - not to piss on anyone's parade or anything but I really don't get how this would work or why one would pay for it! Here's my thinking: The whole point of buying software like this is because you think outside the box and you know what you want to do and want to implement it as soon as possible. If you have this 'get up and go' attitude then you know ultimately what kind of bots you want to program. Then you'll search around and find solutions to various problems you have when you encounter them.. I'm still learning ubot and am no way an expert on it - I find video tutorials helpful
  15. Hi - no I can't because the sites do not allow HTML - this is why I need to know how to do this..
  16. I want to be able to highlight certain words or pieces of text in form fields.. For example let's say the website has a text box where you write a short description.. I want to be able to highlight certain words so that I can then click the 'link' button and make the word or text a URL - in exactly the same way you would make a link on this forum.. What's the solution - perhaps some sort of javascript work around?
  17. Wow - you a are a Don! Why is there no 'thanks' or 'add rep' on this forum?! You sir, would be getting some serious rep right now! Thanks again - this has made my day!
  18. it's using HMA pro VPN - Is it possible to perform actions on other programs - not just a browser..
  19. I don't like using proxies - I don't want to go in to details but let' just say I don't use them and leave it at that. I use a VPN program where I can change my IP at the click of the button. I much prefer using this as it's always super fast. No sites are restricted or blocked and I can see all elemnts on all web pages - when using proxies I often run into the problem of captchas and other on page elments not working or appearing.. Anyway there is a button on the software that I use which says, 'change IP Address'. As the name might suggest it changes my IP to a new one. This is fantast
  20. Oh - I see I don't have the 'pro' version so I don't get to use this option..
  21. Okay - so I used in new browser but it's still just doing them one by one.. It gets to 'in new browser' then does the 'if #wordpress/facebook' commands sequentially instead of at the same time.. How do I get it to run simultaneously
  22. Nice - thanks Duane - you're always helpful and quick to respond! I'll give that a shot now
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