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Everything posted by LakeManDan

  1. Hey I'm curious with the tables (specifically with the search function) Is there a way to feed search criteria into this field with a variable? Also related to Modals: I'm trying to create extra modal windows but I am restricted to the space that is offered.. Can modals be hidden or is there a way we can add more work space so we can add more modal windows?
  2. Wow - thank you so much for this! I had looked through these and for some reason I didn't notice that he gave us code to setup table actions! Now I feel silly!
  3. Also, as more of a feature request: In tables: I wondering if you can add the functionality to allow us to use the check boxes on the left to run commands (So i could select multiple rows and run a loop command through each row). I think this could be accomplished by adding all selected items (row #s) to a specified list then we could create a command to loop through the list. Is this possible to add? One more thing - the ability to sort the tables by clicking on the column headings.
  4. I just picked this up over the weekend and I have got to say this is one sweet piece of software and I see huge potential for it! One of my biggest reasons for picking it up was for it's table capabilities which I must say are pretty sweet! Now I must know - how do these table actions work??? I am essentially looking to run a command from the table that opens op a modal with all of the fields from that table row and a few more that I choose not to show on the table. How can I do this? Is this what the table actions are for? I've got the modal created with all the fields and the functions
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