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big dog status

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by big dog status

  1. Hi, I've been trying different things for a few hours now and am resorting to going to forums. Can someone please tell me how one populates ALL rows of a table but only on, let' say, column 6 of each row, in a ui drop down? Any help would be greatly appreciated as I stumped. Thanks in advance.
  2. I have resolved this issue by downgrading to ubot 4, no complaints here. Thanks
  3. Hmm, if I remove the variable and in place add a number 4,999 the add and eval function work, but if I try to add both variables (with or without comma) I get a crazy answer to the equation. This is not my fault after all, ubot 5 seems to be flawed somehow or does not like my bot.
  4. Ohhh, the debugger is "whited" out to hide sensitive data.
  5. I have not, and will now. Thanks for your help I solved this problem by changing a few variable names and rebooting my computer. Still no explanation of why it happen. This may be closed, thank you. But now a new problem has arrived. If my nuber has a comma in it the math gets all wacky.. Hmm time to do some searching.
  6. Man I love ubot, but times like this it's so hard not to spill about a dozen f words and move onto a real programming language. I waste so much time from crashed bots and errors that make NO sense.
  7. set(#friendsAddedToRequests, $eval($eval("{#totalFriendRequests}+{#totalAccFriends}")), "Global") and have tried set(#friendsAddedToRequests, $eval($eval("#totalFriendRequests+#totalAccFriends")), "Global") It only adds the totalFriendRequests variable, it refuses to add the #totalAccFriends, even though the variable is defined and has a numerical value in debugger. Very, very, VERY, frusturating after over a month on my current bot. Is this a user id-10-t error, am I missing something here? Thanks in advance.
  8. Got it, just a reminder to some out there.. 9 times out of 10 I find that problems with my bots are due to things moving to fast. Wait is usually the solution to my problems. Thanks
  9. Here is a tip, don't send out any friend requests you will be banned.
  10. I always slack on the special folder command and was curious if the kind person who helped me here would suggest it, and you did. I will surely stop being lazy on that front. Thanks again!
  11. So I've just put in the longest ever on a bot, over a month. It's pretty damn cool. But there is ONE single part of the bot that I did not code myself which is the "upload script" to facebook. As of now sometimes when uploading images, Facebook will pop up a window asking me to chose the file I wish to upload. Does anyone know a way around avoiding this window popping up? The code I had was working good but now seems to pop up this window every so often.
  12. Now to be fair, after using it for a while I am used to them. /end rant
  13. I have become a better programmer thanks to ubot, the gui and visual aspect of programming has worked very well for my style of learning. After working with and learning ubot for so long, I find myself going to other languages and being able to understand the logic and write better code. I will always support ubot as I never bite the hand that feeds me and it has allowed me to open up numerous doors that would have not only been shut, but non existant.
  14. Sorry to bump an old thread, but I am strong in everything you desire to learn more of while you are strong in everything I desire to learn more of. Interesting.
  15. set(#currentRow, $list from file("C:\\home\\bot\\grouppostdata\\currentgrouprow.txt"), "Global") I need to replace the \bot\ directory with a variable can someone kindly tell me the proper syntax? Thanks :-)
  16. Having a hard time adjusting to this.. If something ain't broken don't fix it, as the old saying goes.. The colors.. arrgghhh... Still <3 you ubot
  17. Hey thanks for your help and the reminder to start at 0. My question is though, how can I determine how many elements there are at that particular time and then chose the highest number? When we make our bots ubot studio will tell us how many element offsets there are for a particular element but how can we determine this within the bot itself? Thanks ;0)
  18. Hi guys and girls, In my current bot I am scraping a message that the user has sent. The problem is I want to scrape the newest message they sent and each conversation is different because some send one message, some send dozens.. So is there a way to obtain the total offsets for that particular element? So.. If userA has just sent three mesages, I will scrape the element containing the message, with an offset of 3 to get the latest message, etc If userB has just sent 5 messages, I will scrape the element containing the message, with an offset this time of 5, to get the latest mes
  19. Okay, I won't be "that guy". Facebook in 2010 is how I did it. Best of luck getting yours man.
  20. By letting my nuts hang and putten em on the line. I found a backup!!! Thanks guys!!
  21. Great minds think alike, I just sent out a plea for help.. A strange request for them but maybe they can help. If I was a great programmer it would not be an issue but these bots take me a bit of time to make. Thanks for your advice.
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