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big dog status

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by big dog status

  1. just bought this and getting the following error: Error (429)This account's links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled! when trying to download. pp transaction ID = 75A843005M034231W
  2. Lazy botter - The bot scrapes facebook videos, uploads them to youtube and then creates a wordpress post. I'm using ffmpeg to generate the images so I'm not sure if your solution will work, but thanks anyway.
  3. Thanks guys, I love ubot but F. I pretty much have wasted a few work days, I have experienced the UI Html feature for the first and last time.
  4. Am I losing my mind or is the only way to link to stylesheet, or a image, in ui html, is by uploading the file on your server?? C:\newbots\ctfuPoster\ui\style.css - no dice http://domain.com/ui/style.css - works.. If this is the f'ng case I need to rewrite most of my bot. [insert many f words here]
  5. Thanks UBotDev, I finally have come with a js solution in my head that I think will work, if not I'll go your route. @drhum I was only able to confirm from ubot support, like UBotDev mentioned, that this type of functionality is not available in ubot. But if we are clever there are ways we can use javascript to give off this effect. I'll post my results when I am certain. Thanks guys.
  6. Hey guys I've been stuck on this for a few hours.. What I'm trying to do is simply add a check mark or a "loading.gif" next to a small section of my bot that keeps the user updated with the current actions. I know it's not necessary but I'm going all out with this latest bot and finally cracking into the ui html panel for the first time.. So with that said, right now I've got a selector named "status" which has the display attribute set to a property of none. I am simply trying to use "run javascript" to execute the following code: $(".status).fadeIn(slow); When I right click and run nod
  7. For future reference, if you have a proxy setup in your chrome browser and try to load ubot it will not work. Glad it took me half a f&@#^$% day to figure this bull s@#( out!!
  8. Sigh.. Not all of us have endless time to spend wasting on BS. I love ubot but COME ON, for an hour I have not been able to connect to the server. The remote server returned an error: (403) forbidden
  9. And for this reason this is a feature I've never been able to fully enjoy. I'm trying to access a email account with around 7k emails in it, any idea why it crashes every time?? I'm about two seconds away from throwing my fucking keyboard through a window. I love ubot until it's errors cause me to lose productivity.
  10. 1000s of hours learning ubot and letting my nuts hang = can make as much money as I please. Thank you ubot.
  11. You have made me a huge payout yet again. Ubot took me from ashy to classy several times over. If I ever hit it real big, I'll send you a suitcase full of cash. My first bot made me 100k in a month, my second is doing 10k a month. You all can do it too
  12. Hi, I'm running some German campaigns and I'm noticing some letters of the German language are coming showing up as a black box with a question mark in it when I post on Facebook. Do any of you know how to fix this? Thanks in advance :-) I <3 ubot
  13. Instead of coming here and posting an angry rant (which I was planning on doing because ubot crashes about 50 times a day), I'm going to give props to a great software that has changed my life.
  14. UBotDev - can I pay you to look over my current script and coach me on what to change for threading?
  15. Thanks a lot for your help. I actually tried that earlier after reading some threads but I guess I did not do it right, I'll get back to it! Thanks again
  16. Here is some motivation for everyone, within my first month of using ubot in 2010 I made 100,000.00 profit in a month.
  17. Hi, I have a script that relies on a .csv file to read account data. I am making my first attempt at multithreading and for the life of me, can't figure out how to make my #currentAccountRow, different for each thread. I've been at it for 2.5 hours, I've read just about every multi threading, thread, it seems. I'm sure I'm missing something small but can someone kindly explain to me the logic involved where a script uses one variable to determine which row of a csv it is currently on? When I try it out now, both threads load up and work BUT they are working on the same account. I'm not d
  18. I think I want to take a stab at writing a real bot, from scratch. I love ubot, it has enabled me to make more money and do things I would NEVER be able to do, the program crashes at least 12 times a day for me, it's hourly when I'm working. I don't complain about it much b/c ubot has enabled me to do amazing things, but at the same time, it's also causing me productivity with all the crashes and errors.. So what's next? VBNET? Ubot crashes so much, the only guess I can make is that it's hard to write a stable program that is a development environment, idk. I just wish it did not crash rel
  19. Very cool example Carl, as a designer for nearly two decades I think it would be fun to make my bots look more unique.
  20. Hmm don't have developer edition but may be a good time to upgrade, I'm going to try what you guys suggested now. Thanks for your help :-)
  21. sure, sorry about that. I have a fb bot that works using data from a csv file. I want to make it possible to select any account I want from a UI drop down menu. The purpose would be to easily be able to switch between accounts when working instead of going and manually editing my .csv file every time. For example, right now my bot loops through all of the accounts in my .csv, but if I want to say, run account #10 first, (to do some maintenance or hand editing) I am forced to go to my .csv and rearrange my accounts to place the account I need to work on in the first place. Anyways, long story
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