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Everything posted by smartquin

  1. I just got the same error today, drove me nuts until I found it was a fault with ubot.... 12 months and no fix??? I'm using version 4.2.18, any fixes on the horizon?
  2. Hmmm, possible, however I was more after soemthing that will scrape the relative and absolute paths of whatever page of the site you are currently on. Essentially I just need something to exclude rss/xml feeds and anything that leeds off-site. I'm not too good at reg-ex though, any help would be great :-D
  3. Hi Guys I made this bot that will go to hidemyass.com, scrape the proxy list, and then run simultaneous threads (based on TJ's script). The only thing it doesn't do is pickup bad/dead proxies. I thought scraping them straight from HMA would work, but not too well, maybe 50% failure rate. Any suggestions welcome :-) ui drop down("Thread Count", "2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10", #num threads) comment("set total number of runs, I just made it 24 for testing purposes") set(#number accounts, 24, "Global") set(#num created, 0, "Global") set(#used threads, 0, "Global") loop(1) { navigate("http://www.hide
  4. Hi Guys I'm trying to write a bot that will go to a webpage, scrape the <a> tags and get the hrefs, and visit each page (to simulate a real person). However, I don't want to be directed to the website's rss feed, to another domain (like their facebook/twitter page), a javascript link etc.This is what I have so far: set(#rootdomain, $find regular expression($url, "(?![/|/www.])[a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.]+\\.[a-zA-Z]\{2,4\}(?=/)"), "Global") clear list(%urls) clear list(%cleanedurls) add list to list(%urls, $list from text($scrape attribute(<tagname="a">, "href"), $new line), "Delete", "Gl
  5. Hi, I'm trying to make a bot that will backup my MySQL database using phpMyAdmin. I can schedule a bot to do it, but everytime it saves the database it opens a dialogue box asking where to save the file. It is phpMyAdmin v Any help will be greatly appreciated, here is my code so far: clear cookies navigate("http://mydomain.net/phpmyadmin/", "Wait") wait(5) type text(<username field>, "root", "Standard") type text(<password field>, "password", "Standard") click(<id="input_go">, "Left Click", "No") wait(5) click(<innertext="Export">, "Left Cl
  6. Thats ok, I have it working already with Auto It as it has to grab the info for a remote server, I just wanted to make it simpler for people when I sell it. Thanks anyway.
  7. Thanks VaultBoss, but what I'm after is a batch file that runs a bot and passes a variable to the bot itself. As far as I can tell, the only command line parameters to can send to a bot are /play and /auto. Can you send a variable to the bot via the command line?
  8. Hi Guys I wonder if this feature is included at all: I'm writintg a script that needs to get a variable from the user before it does its tasks. At the moment, I'm using an Auto It script called form a batch file. It is setup in task scheduler automatically, and runs once only to post to blogs etc. however it needs to grab a variable to get the right photos/text etc. Is there a way of calling the bot from a task scheduler task in windows and pass a variable to it (eg: Enter this in the command line schtasks /create /tn "blogpostcombination1234" /tr "C:\bot.bat" /sc once /st 17:35:49 /sd 11/27
  9. Hello again The script was working great (thanks by the way Josh!) however now it is doing a similar thing even with CSS turned off. My script grabs login details from a file, creates an email account, then goes to create a lens. I have attached the squidoo signup portion of my script, if anyone has some ideas it will be greatly appreciated! Just on a side note, could it be that one of the members on this forum is working to counteract these scripts for squidoo? allow css("No") navigate("http://www.squidoo.com/", "Wait") click(<innertext="Join Us">, "Left Click", "No"
  10. I'm after the opposite really, make a list from a row or column in the CSV file, save it to a unique variable, and then run the same signups on multiple accounts simultaneously. Does that make sense?
  11. Hi I'm trying to write a script that will create several accounts in parallel. The data is created in a CSV file, and I want ubot to use one row per thread. My code isn't quite working however (the row off set variable doesn't increment for each thread, but stays at the same value for all threads, so the same row is used on each thread), could someone point me in the right direction please? Here is an example of what I have thus far: ui open file("File", #file) create table from file(#file, &database) set(#rownumber, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows(&database)) { thread {
  12. That was the same problem I was getting, I didn't realise you could turn css off! Awesome work! Only problem is when I try to download the file, I get a server error: 403 - Forbidden: Access is denied. You do not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials that you supplied. Is that because I'm a new user on the forums?
  13. Hello all. I'm new here, been playing around with ubot for a bit and it has been great! However, I want to create new squidoo accounts from scratch and create lenses. I've tried several times, but the login page doesn't show the required fields, and doesn't progress. Once I have made an account, I can login and create a lens, its just he signup process... Can someone please PM me with some help?
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