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Randy Role

Fellow UBotter
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Everything posted by Randy Role

  1. What HelloInsomnia said.. I searched for 'answers now'. Thanks for looking into it.
  2. Hey guys, I'm unable to scrape google results when I get a group of results together. Here's an example: http://content.screencast.com/users/riktubrs/folders/Jing/media/6af49237-40ed-415f-a204-bb4b5c8bc6a3/2012-10-29_1530.png As you can see above, I am unable to scrape these 4 results. Any ideas how to scrape them as well? If I get 14 results as 'Page 1' in google, it's fine. Thanks
  3. Hey guys, I'm trying to have control over my cookies. I want to be able to save a specific cookie in a folder, so whenever I need the exact same cookie, I can put it back in the cookies folder and use it for the same site. Is there any option about saving cookies? I couldn't find anything regarding this issue in the forum. Thanks!
  4. I use rubular.com all the time, unfortunately I couldn't find a solution how to choose a specific match group. I know in Java they can choose which group to pick out of the matching groups (first, second...). Here's an example of what I'm trying to achive: http://rubular.com/r/BB7KMMQxyO There are two match groups. I'm trying to be able to always pick the first (or second) group.
  5. Hey, Regex is usually denotated to match groups as $n, where n is the capture group. Does anybody know if there's a way to choose a group number with ubot? $1, $2.. Thanks
  6. thanks for the help bud, but I managed to help myself :-) I used this: ([A-Za-z0-9.]+)(?=\s\[DEFAULT\])
  7. Hey guys, I'm having issues scraping the site name in google analytics. I managed to remove the [DEFAULT], but when it saves the data into a file, I see a weird  at the end, following with a space after it. what I'm using is this: \w.+\s Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
  8. Sounds like a great script to have in stock! However, when I try to run it in my bot, it says 'Unable to load bot because it is not a valid UBot 4 file'. Is there a way to overcome this? Thanks!
  9. I think this is a better approach. Save your article in a #variable, and for each post, spin the #variable. This way you get a different Here's an example: set(#var, "Hello \{Dad|Mom|Sister|Brother|Son|Grandpa|Grandma\}", "Global") set(#myspintext, $spin(#var), "Global")
  10. I'll try it as a last option, as I made a full bot using the default user agent. No was around it using the default user agent? Thanks!
  11. My bad! I didn't mention I have this problem while asking a question! When I try it in the yahoo answers homepage it works, but I'm having an issue while trying to ask a question. This is what I'm trying to do: http://screencast.com/t/gawEYWEsD
  12. Thanks for the reply Duane! However, I did click the Browse Categories button, but then I can't click on any of the categories shown.
  13. I'm having a problem choosing a sub category in yahoo answers. I get to click the "Browse Categories" button, then I have issues choosing from these categories and the sub-categories. Does anybody have experience with it or help? Thanks!
  14. Here you go: clear list(%date_1) add item to list(%date_1, $date, "Delete", "Global") clear list(%date) add list to list(%date, $list from text($list item(%date_1, 0), "/"), "Delete", "Global") set(#month, $list item(%date, 0), "Global") set(#day, $list item(%date, 1), "Global") set(#year, $substring($list item(%date, 2), 0, 4), "Global")
  15. Hey, I'm trying to navigate to a chat site which is based on java. When I go through IE or FF, it works, but when I try navigating through ubot, it says my browser needs a java update, and it doesn't work. Even when I tried downloading the update through ubot, it doesn't work. Any ideas? Thanks!
  16. Hey, So I read this thread about passing parameters with shell command. It's close to what I need.. What I want to do is to run the bot with parameters through the cmd, so it starts with parameters it needs (in the ui, for example). For example, if I wanted a bot to go to google and search for #variable. What I want is to be able to run the bot using "botname.exe /auto TEXT", so it takes TEXT as the variable to search for. I couldn't find any info on this, could anyone help? Thanks!
  17. When I scrape the page like this: set(#prox, $page scrape("", ""), "Global") Nothing gets into #prox. Is there a better way to scrape all page?
  18. I just reread my post and realized I wasn't clear enough.. it's a URL/proxies.php where the proxies are. I don't have a file with the proxies in my computer. I tried downloading this as a file but it fails to download.
  19. Hey guys, My proxy provider provides the proxies in a link format, it's a php file, which has the proxies only in there, line by line. There's no html/php at all in the file, the source code looks like this: " .... " I'm trying to scrape all the proxies into a list but I have no clue how to do that as there's no attributes. Any help? Thanks!
  20. I must've done something wrong by mistake. Thanks!
  21. Hey guys, I'm trying to create a bot which creates new accounts for tumblr. Tumblr changed their layout lately, and ever since I'm unable to scrape the captcha image and send it to a captcha solving service. I'm stuck at this! any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
  22. Exactly, use the replace command and replace 'password: ' with $nothing.
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