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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I'm trying to use a stat monitor inside a ui html panel so that as a user is typing in a field located within the ui it counts the text length. for example: One of the fields is a META Data field that should only have 160 characters in it. As the user is typing I would like to display the number of characters next to the field they are typing in. All of my attempts at this are failing. Is this possible? here is my stat monitor for the ui <div variable="#hpmeta stat" fillwith="innertext">0</div>
  2. got the bot fixed. Newest is uploaded at the top!
  3. Found the solution. Look in the bot bank! Under search providers. There is a google scrape bot. That has the solution.
  4. That worked. But then how are you changing the google search settings to show 100 results per page?
  5. lol Well I tried it and it's not scraping any data. Are you setting a user agent? if so which one?
  6. So I figured out that google is doing something to the url on the page and you can see it in the address bar right before you are redirected to the website from the SERP. I found the piece of code in google SERP source code, but I don't know how to go about extracting the url. <a class="l" onmousedown="return rwt(this,'','','','1','AFQjCNGs3NfmEYRSQfhQPeSOOjJSfHZbFg','','0CCEQFjAA',null,event)" href="http://as.wwu.edu/kugs/playlist/"> Any ideas?
  7. I live in San Diego. Not too much thunder here. It's always sunny!
  8. I am seeing that now. Strange it wasn't doing that before. I'll try to see if I can scrape another way, and let you know.
  9. I have not had that issue. Is anyone else seeing that issue?
  10. Happy to offer something of some value. Hope people can put it to use. I've used it quite a lot already in combination with the huge list of footprints.
  11. First of all I wanted to say thanks again to LoWrIdErTJ and willywonka for their hugs lists of footprints. You can find the list as a sticky at the top of the Tutorials, Tips and Trick forum or by clicking here. I decided to create a bot to search and scrape footprint and keywords to find websites based on a list of footprints. Because doing it one at a time sucks. And I wanted to give it to the ubot community because so many people have helped me with so many questions. There is always someone on this forums eager to help, give ideas and even write some code for you when you're stuck. Tha
  12. Ah!!!! Thanks Kevin. I didn't catch that it was doing that. I also needed to add an if command for if the keyword list is empty. I'll be uploading it to the buy/sell bots section in a moment.
  13. I really loved the huge list of footprints that TJ and Willy Wonka provided the community. My hat is off to you two. So I wanted to do something with ubot to give to the community to help with searching footprints. I'm working on this bot that allows you to import a list of footprints and a list of keywords. It all works perfectly fine except for one part. Scraping the urls from the Google SERP. It will scrape the urls sometimes and not others. I have gone through the forums and tried all the scraping tricks I have seen and none of them seem to work consistently. This is the last part need
  14. I don't have ubot3. I have 4, can you just explain how to isolated only the proxies from the page? I have tried to create my own bot to do this, but I can't seem to isolate only the proxies.
  15. +1 Thanks so much for this great list. I do have one question though. In some cases such as above I think wierd characters are showing up. I think this is an issue with the forum. Can you tell me what those characters are replacing?
  16. Well this is manual so I don't want it to check a link. I want the QA team to actually view the page and click a next button. They have to note multiple things about the pages other than just links.
  17. Thanks! That is way more simple then I was thinking. That will work just fine.
  18. I'm trying to separate articles into single sentences, but I'm not sure about the best way to go about it. Would this be something I would need to use regex to complete? Any thoughts? Ideas?
  19. I am having problems with a previous list item button. Basically the bot is a manual link checker for my QA people. It has a block text field to paste a list of links. It has a not field for them to write notes about the page, 2 button for good url and bad url and then 2 buttons for next url and previous url. The problem I am having is that when I click the previous url button it is not navigating to previous list item it navs to the next list item. I can't for the life of me figure out why. Maybe I am using the previous list item command incorrectly. My code for this is pretty simple...
  20. So I created another bot with similar functionality and the damn this is whacky again! Dumb UI Panel. Sometimes this stuff is frustrating. Still thanks for all the help guys!
  21. navigate("http://ubotsandbox.com/ubot-simple-list.php", "Wait") set(#mydropdown, $scrape attribute(<id="links2scrape">, "innertext"), "Global") set(#mydropdown, "<option>{$replace(#mydropdown, " ", "</option> <option>")}</option>", "Global") ui html panel("<select variable=\"#VariableOfSelection\" fillwith=\"value\" style=\"width: 220px;\"> <optgroup variable=\"#mydropdown\" fillwith=\"innerhtml\"></optgroup> </select>", 100) That's much cleaner than the way I did it. I will have to think of that more often. Trying not to use lists when
  22. It's wierd, I didn't change anything and all of the sudden it started working correctly.
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