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Everything posted by a2mateit

  1. It does get reeaallll slow when using alot of plugins. Thats why I use helloinsomnia's ubot launcher. http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/16142-free-ubot-launcher/ It speed things up so much. You can choose what plugins you want to launch with ubot, or select a .ubot file, and it will only load the plugins that are included in that bot.
  2. Pash it is working now! Thank you so much! Now, is there a way to get the captcha id when sending the captcha. So we can report incorrect captchas while multi-threading. Because the way it is set now, won't it grab just the last solved captcha id, so if solving multiple captchas at once, it might not get right captcha id...
  3. :blink: very weird. I have no idea why it doesn't work for me Set your auto retry to 0 and see if it still works... Because it works for me if I keep retry set to 1 But then it is solving the same captcha 2 times instead of 1, which is causing us to pay double for captchas. If you open dbc account, you can see it is actually just solving the same captcha 2 times.
  4. Pash, first of all I would like to thank you for making this plugin. But unfortunatly it's still not working. You can see in the screencast that I tried your example code 5 times, and it still does not return the captcha: http://screencast.com/t/EvIovEd3z
  5. I would say that its because you are using <name=q> as the wait for element... Sometimes google uses a different name element. Try using this instead: wait for element(<action="/search">, "", "Appear")
  6. Guys, anybody on the fence about this should buy it now! Its a great tool and will save you SO much time when it comes to building your UI's.
  7. Can you post the code you are using please? Maybe there is something wrong with my code...
  8. I did that, it shows it solving the captcha inside dbc, but never passes it to ubot. For example I did retry 2 And it solved 3 times in my dbc account, but never passed the solved captcha back to ubot...
  9. I'm really sorry to say Pash, But the problem is still there... Setting a retry just makes it solve inside of dbc, but it doesn't pass the parameter back to Ubot until the second time.
  10. Hey Marton, Great Share! Any chance you can add some code snippet to report an incorrect captcha? I will be eternally grateful.
  11. Then use value, and change it to $nothing...
  12. Try using change attribute, and changing it to $nothing
  13. Thanks Marton for the quick response. Gonna definitely be picking this one up soon!
  14. Hey Meter, Sorry if this question has already been answered, but I didn't have time to read through 30 pages. Does the locker integrate with clickbank? Thanks, Justin
  15. Any update on whether this is a dbc api glitch, or something that can be fixed with the plugin
  16. It really just depends on the site you are trying to automate. I have found that some sites are easier to automate if you set the user agent to a mobile one such as android or iphone... While some sites I set to user Firefox user agent. Really comes down to if you are having a hard time automating the site or not. If so, then 1 of the first things I do is change the user agent and try again...
  17. I got to say that the speed at which you update and add features is truly amazing!
  18. I hope its not, because I would really love if this could work without having to send to deathbycaptcha twice with this plugin
  19. Just purchased Pash! Can't wait to start using this!
  20. Well I've been trying to get it to work with this plugin since this is a free plugin. I do have aymens plugin (and will try with it) But I was trying to get this to work with this Free plugin so I can help another member here.
  21. It should auto close after the code inside of it is done executing. Sometimes it will freeze up though, and you need to restart ubot.
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