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Abinadi Suarez

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Everything posted by Abinadi Suarez

  1. Hi, I´m really interested on someone to make a few bots for me. The first one that I really need is a Google, Yahoo and Bing scraper. I need a bot that uploads a list of keywords on from a .txt file. Then the bot automatically goes to google and gets the number of results "keyword" from google, then save that results on .txt file and it does that with Yahoo and Bing as well. I know hot to do it but I have a really old version of Ubot and it doesn´t work. I really need to partner with someone that can do that. I will launch a product very soon with this software as a free gift
  2. I really need to know how to upload a .txt file (that have a list of keywords) to a bot in order to analyze every keyword on google to get the results number and save it to a .csv file ones is complete it. Please could you provide examples for the Ubot version 3?
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