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About Dempirey

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  • OS
    Windows 10
  • Total Memory
    More Than 9Gb
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  • License
    Developer Edition

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  1. Anyway i managed to get it solved: rasdial /disconnect (to disconnect preset PPTP VPN) and rasdial "Connection name" user password (to targeted connection)
  2. Hello people, I'm very new to ubot and automation, i'm trying to automate my ExpressVPN location switching. ExpressVPN doesn't fully shuts down when close window and continues to run on the background. And i can't seems to use windows to perform button clicking on the connect and disconnect. I have tried -connect and -disconnect on the exe but it doesnt seem to work. Even F/ im expressvpn.exe doesn't work. So i was thinking if i can actually do a work around with shell command line from network setting to do the switching, and to automate it at a designated or scheduled time. e.g. disconne
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