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Everything posted by acamso

  1. Thanks for the plugin Kev.. I have a question - I'm trying to create lists with dynamic names. I saw your example code: add list to list(%masterlist, $plugin function("Variablemulti.dll", "Dynamic List", "%listname"), "Delete", "Global") But I cant seem to get this to work: add item to list($plugin function("Variablemulti.dll", "Dynamic List", "%{#test_list}"),5,"Delete","Global") Would this be possible? Thanks!
  2. Aymen - a little while back I was having trouble with the cookies string command where it was cutting off cookies as if there were a limit on the amount of cookies. I forgot where I had left off, but I have hit this issue again. It seems that the command only sets up a max of 20 cookies. It looks as though each time I add a new cookie, it will erase the 1st cookie. Can you look into this please?
  3. Thanks but how can we include 0 and 1.0 if possible Edit: This seems to work load html($plugin function("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "$rand option", 0, 1.1, "Long")) clear list(%huh) loop(50) { add item to list(%huh,$plugin function("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "$rand option", 0, 1.1, "Long"),"Delete","Global") load html($plugin function("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "$replace new line by br", $sort list(%huh,"Descending"))) }
  4. Pash - I have this command: alert($plugin function("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "$rand option", 0, 1, "Decimal")) I want it to output values ==> 0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, 1 But it will only output 0 and 1. I also tried: alert($plugin function("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "$rand option", 0.0, 1.0, "Decimal")) I was wondering if it were possible to add a step option Let me know.. thanks
  5. My advice would be to stick to Ubot 4. Ubot 5 is still too buggy. There are a good amount of bugs in Ubot 4 too, but I am used to them personally now. Everytime I give Ubot 5 a go, I usually find something that turns me away. So I would wait till Ubot 5 becomes more stable to work in.
  6. Hey, just came across this topic. I modded the licensing system a lot. If anyone needs help, post what you're looking to do specifically and we'll see what we can do
  7. http://imageshack.com/a/img901/1134/jDuge8.png 3/2/2015 - please only use GSA CB if you are an advanced users; my advice would be to stick to the captcha services in SuperHAC - the addition of GSA Captcha Breaker opens up a couple of new doors - GSA CB will not solve the Hotmail captcha out of the box; you will need to use the SDK to train it - if you don't have definitions, you can send the failed captchas to the services listed in GSA CB - you can also simulate the captcha services in SuperHAC with GSA CB by filling in any details in SuperHAC and leaving GSA CB unchecked - simulating captc
  8. Ok I did a workaround for it, but it would be great if we could get the large list from text to return 0 as well plugin command("Bigtable.dll", "large List from Regex", "my large list", $plugin function("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "$remove blank lines", $subtract lists(%list1,%list2), "Line by Line", "True", "True"), "\\S+", "replace")
  9. Kev, I have a really important request if possible. plugin command("Bigtable.dll", "large List from text", "my large list", $plugin function("Advanced Data Text File.dll", "$remove blank lines", $subtract lists(%list1,%list2), "Line by Line", "True", "True"), $new line, "replace") The large list total is returning 1, but it should be 0 (with and w/o $remove blank lines). Would you be able to check on this?
  10. Thanks, yeah EAC will communicate with SuperHAC and SuperYAC. I haven't had time to work on it in a while, but I wanted to wait till the Supers were full complete. So EAC will be recoded afterwards
  11. Hey, I will have SuperYAC out soon, then there will be another software for aol, mail, gmx + more
  12. http://imageshack.com/a/img901/1134/jDuge8.png 2/22/2015 - command line: "...(path)\SuperHAC.exe /create" will automatically start account creation on load - command line: "...(path)\SuperHAC.exe /create -#5" will automatically start account creation on load and create 5 accounts - you can also automatically start account creation on load in config>>automation - the "run .exe on completion" option has been replaced with the option to run any file on completion - you can also run any file every x successful accounts - you can also exit the software on completion - there will be alot more
  13. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img538/6303/HKSUjC.png SuperHAC v5.3.1.8 2/22/2015 v5.3.1.8 - [new] option to autorun a file every x accounts - [new] option to autorun a file on completion - [added] automation tab to config - [removed] option to autorun exe on completion (replaced) - [fixed] use own phone numbers list clearing >>Full changelog
  14. Hey, I am looking to work on two private custom bots (either compiled or source code). Please post your information here or shoot me a PM if interested.
  15. Hi, I can do this for you if you are still looking. PM sent
  16. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img538/6303/HKSUjC.png SuperHAC v5.3.1.7 2/20/2015 v5.3.1.7 - [new] EVA service - harakirimail.com - [new] option to choose EVA service >>Full changelog
  17. Thanks for the heads up Meter. I'll probably code it and let it run for a bit to see how it goes. Worst case I can include it in other software. But do you have any recommendations for alternatives?
  18. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img538/6303/HKSUjC.png SuperHAC v5.3.1.6 2/16/2015 v5.3.1.6 - [fixed] threading - changed manual captcha dialog - deleting of captcha files is temporary disabled >>Full changelog Hey Dan - yes, the public phone method is hit or miss at the moment. I have blacklist processes in place to filter out the bad phone numbers over time. So it is a work in progress right now. I would def stick to own phone numbers right now. I would highly recommend going with Twilio for $1/per phone number per month. I plan on fully integrating Twilio into SuperH
  19. Pash could you explain the "template" from the $sort list option ?
  20. http://imageshack.com/a/img901/1134/jDuge8.png 2/10/2015 - you can find new tools at this link: http://bit.ly/acamso-tools - you can now email yourself your license(s) if you lose them - you can now reset your own license outside of the software - also released is a free BHW proxy lists scraper: http://bit.ly/bhw-pls >>All announcements http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img538/6303/HKSUjC.png SuperHAC v5.3.1.5 2/10/2015 v5.3.1.5 - [fixed] 'lost licenses' link - all loading and ui tools now automatically remove extra spaces - other small changes >>Full changelog http://i
  21. Sorry, source code isn't available at the moment, but will update this thread if I release it
  22. Thanks for letting me know. I changed a couple things around and missed something. You should still have received your license in your email. If you didn't, please let me know
  23. http://i.imgur.com/baBTFn2.png BHW-PLS: BHW Proxy Lists Scraper Scrapes proxy lists from the last page of each of the recently updated proxy lists threads on BHW. http://i.imgur.com/XyYte2t.png http://i.imgur.com/0uneJBe.png VirusTotal | http://i.imgur.com/ijgeC7u.png Download
  24. http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img538/6303/HKSUjC.png SuperHAC v5.3.1.2, v5.3.1.3 2/2/2015 v5.3.1.3 - [fixed] public phone check running even w/o phone verification on - [fixed] reload proxies, reset used stalling 1/31/2015 v5.3.1.2 - [new] HMA .exe will automatically execute on run when not running - [fixed] blank lines for logs - [fixed] HMA stalling with 2 threads - [fixed] mirror captcha solve times loop - [fixed] forwarding system - [added] default HMA directory for .exe >>Full changelog
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