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Everything posted by leemilton300

  1. @pash It does show that bad proxies are successfully reported but i am not seeing any of such records in my 2captcha account. i check again after few hrs and even on the next day, but it seems 2captcha is not receiving or recording my complaints. Also i am pretty sure, i am sending my 2captcha key and captcha id correctly to 2captcha. Am i doing something wrong?
  2. Thanks just 1 last question. in the captcha ID field i am supposed add this value right?
  3. @pash could you please tell me how can i report failed captchas to 2captcha? i am using the following code to solve captha then { set(#status,"Solving Captcha","Global") set(#_apiKey,"MY2CAPTCHAPIKEY","Global") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(1) set(#GoogleKey,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-sitekey"),"Global") clear list(%_rawCaptcha) add list to list(%_rawCaptcha,$plugin function("Advanced Captcha.dll", "$2captcha.com", #_apiKey, #GoogleKey, "", "Recognize ReCAPTCHA Type 4", "", $url, 120, ""),"Delete","Global") cha
  4. This Worked! but its take quite some time for 2captcha to solve the captha, anyways, thanks a lot for the solution, i really appreciate that.
  5. Yes, i did check this example earlier it doesn't seem to be working either clear all data set(#AccessKey,"2CAPTCHA-API-KEY","Global") comment("load html($replace(%Debug,$new line,\"<br>\"))") divider define KeyCaptcha { navigate("https://www.keycaptcha.ru/demo-magnetic/","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(1) type text(<full name field>,"Test Name","Standard") type text(<(tagname="textarea" AND class="itext")>,"Test Content","Standard") add list to list(%Debug,$plugin function("Advanced Captcha.dll", "$2captcha.com key c
  6. I did but its quite confusing, also it has update logs for only upto "V3.2.6.6" and there is no solution in that logs for the error that i am getting can you please just tell me how i can solve this?
  7. When i use the version and load "$2captcha.com new captcha v2.ubot" i get the following error set(#_apiKey,"36030da34bc51696bb1e20ea1ea9ba63","Global") navigate("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(1) set(#GoogleKey,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-sitekey"),"Global") clear list(%_rawCaptcha) add list to list(%_rawCaptcha,$plugin function("Advanced Captcha.dll", "$2captcha.com", #_apiKey, #GoogleKey, "", "Recognize ReCAPTCHA Type 4", "", $url, 120, ""),"Delete","Global") change attribute(<id="
  8. Hello, I am trying to use this plugin again and now i am getting "You have exceeded the range of list" error. with the same ubot script "$2captcha.com new captcha v2.ubot", did google captcha changed something or am i doing something wrong? set(#_apiKey,"6Let2wATAAAAADFyQfJa8YVX83SHaY8reAwT23zy","Global") navigate("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api2/demo","Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait(1) set(#GoogleKey,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-sitekey"),"Global") clear list(%_rawCaptcha) add list to list(%_rawCaptcha,$plugin function("Advanced C
  9. @pash : Just gave "$2captcha.com new captcha v2.ubot" a try and it works like a charm.. thank you so much for this plugin You are awesome! Btw i am trying to login in stumbleupon, it has same captcha as in the demo, but in here (stumbleupon) they have somehow hidden the key, i tried using the key via iframe url "http://bit.ly/2yut3oF"= "6LdocxATAAAAAHW1BXF7qo_NoaKqyDb8UTQWmLKp" but when i do this i get a reply from 2captcha saying "ERROR_KEY_DOES_NOT_EXIST" Can you please tell me how can solve the stumbleupon captcha? please?
  10. Can you please provide a sample code to solve following type of captcha using deathbycaptcha and your plugin please? I did check the sample file i am getting something like this in return from deathbycaptcha, 1784981633 sckfk and i am not sure how i can use this info to solve the above mentioned captcha. please help me
  11. Small update : That same bot seems to be working fine when is switch to chrome 21 but then "reset browser" function doesn't work in it and sites like tumblr don't support chrome 21 so they keep giving odd errors, and it only solves the issue around 30-40%, when i loop the bot it works correctly for the first few times and after that it crashes, sometimes it crashes at the very first loop itself.
  12. Did anyone figure out a solution for this? i am getting the same error way too many times.. Here is one of my recent ubot scripts that i am getting this error on http://snippi.com/raw/09ejd4d When i try to run this part, i get the error Screenshot of Errors But when i run that part individually in a new script it works fine which is really odd I tried, reset browser instead of clear cookies, its not working too.. If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know, any help would be really appreciated.
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