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Everything posted by Ubot_guy

  1. "Wait for page" is a user defined command. I didn't post my enitre code just the offending command. thanks abbas786 I see the admins don't have any ideas or suggestions, kinda sad.
  2. navigate("https://somewbebsite.com/login","Wait") set(#status,"login","Global") clear list(%settings) add list to list(%settings,$list from file("{$special folder("Application")}\\settings.txt"),"Delete","Global") set list position(%settings,0) type text(<email field>,$next list item(%settings),"Standard") type text(<password field>,$next list item(%settings),"Standard") click(<login button>,"Left Click","No") Wait for
  3. Respectfully, I think the OP was talking about... How about when you want to see the error, but not wan't/need to see it 100 times. Is there anyway to get the script to stop when I click "stop script" Jumping in here 'cause I'd like to know also. Pardon me, if that's not what the OP meant.
  4. Respectfully, perhaps more testing before/after the release would "allow you" to look into these issue. That's how I take responsibility and fix the issues my customers find, but can't/don't have the time to pinpoint for me. After all they were nice enough to take the time to inform me before firing me.
  5. I got this After I used the include command (the error was referring to a clear list"). The command ran fine, just the error message comes up and then a few more complaining about something else.
  6. I'm not able to use Ubot Studio and I see there is no status updated that refers to this issue, nor when it will be resolved. So, we are left to wait and wonder. Had I been informed of the failure, I wouldn't have restarted Ubot and could've continued to work. I wonder why we aren't informed about the server being down. FYI,Last time I experienced this the server was down for about 3 hours.
  7. Try getting rid of all plugins that are not needed. If that doesn't work, delete every plugin and add them back to get a better understanding of where the issue occurs. BW
  8. Thanks Zenos, but I want to work in Dev Studio and the lack of connection is stopping me. Just wondering how to shut off the "check connection" for the compile option.
  9. Still not working. How do you by pass this when the server is down? I know, compile won't work, just want to finish my update Ubot crashed (the dreaded "can't move" items issue) in the middle of a fix.
  10. I've waited a while and tried to login again and I keep getting... "The remote server returned an error(522). Origin Connection Time-out." Anybody else having this issue?
  11. I found this to help me, also. Thanks tmaguild
  12. Thanks, There was a corrupt charater in a valid statement, after gaining access to the code. I was able to play "20 questions" and find the offending line of code. Deleted and recreated the exact same statement and now it works.
  13. My bot file appeared to be corrupt, when I switched to the second tab Ubot studio would crash. 100% After trying to fix this myself for a day, I turned to support. They wanted to get the bot to see the problem no suggestions, just try compiling it. That failed on a libcurl.dll issue on two different machines (One XP and the other Win 7), but that appears to be a bug issue with Ubot studio. I didn't have permission at the time to share the bot with the support team, so I press for help in other ways. They stood their ground that they needed the bot or a video of the bot failing upon switching
  14. Innerged, It's not really "free", CC hasn't gotten around to "sending" to sending you a "bill". If you live in the US, they could send the official dunkin' seat warmers from your area over for a "little chat". Just sayin' There are other ways to do want you want with less of a payment than the "Free" method you eluded too. Plus with the money your pulling, why add unnecessary risk, just from a risk assessment perspective. Treat your business. like a business. Don't even get me started with the whole "anonymously" comment. Best wishes
  15. I'm getting my files (not folders) to upload in V5. FYI HTH
  16. Just wondering if anyone else is having this issue, since I see no threads on it. I'm trying to upload a local folder and it won't work. I can(with the same login)... 1. create the folder with filezilla 2. upload files from the local folder 3. download the folder What I'm actually trying to do is move the files from the folder to the root directory of the website. Thanks for your help in advance! plugin command("FTPCommands.dll", "connect to ftp server", "FTPS", "host.MyURL.net", 21, "Username", "Password", $table cell(&domains, #table_row_count, 1)) { plugin command("
  17. Innerged, Great topic. To address the "bot making theory" that you mentioned in your first post... I've been working on/with a WP install/management bot for 2 years. Never really intending on selling it, since customer service is a different business from coding. A few days ago, some thing clicked and I went from a gather to a heard-er. Since my domain is small/well defined, I.E. owned URLs, this task is smaller scale. I went from trying to code a bot that would install WP and setup everything (Security, SEO, Articles,ETC.) TO making sure every time I bought a new URL that my WP bot wou
  18. Mithcd, A different MAC = different IP (in many cases), allowing one to not need proxies.HTH
  19. Hey Jason, What is the basis for this "the majority of our many customers haven't had any problems", seems really odd to me since ubot has been crashing so many times, that I don't even send you crash reports, forget about bug reports. I'm here because it just crashed again. I'm sure Ubot likes when users to send in bug reports, but when it seems like I'm a part of your QA team (been in QA, so I know the feeling) you're making it hard to use the product and sell our work. Many people in the IM community (I.E. BHW) have the perception that ubot is not a stable product, and that has more to
  20. It is very frustrating just stepping through some code and having a "Type Text" crash ubot, while I'm setting up a Wordpress site. I've submitted several tickets for various issues, yet to much time is lost with things like this to continue working AND submit tickets. I'm not taking 5.0.2 until I get a better understanding of it stability. Maybe going back to 4.0 until 5 is ready is best. As seen here...http://screencast.com/t/3Z258HXe4N0e
  21. If you really need the save table fix, just use the work around seen here...http://www.ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/15267-save-table-work-around-until-502/?view=findpost&p=86906
  22. My table saves were empty in V5 and I checked the traker before I entered a bug report. The bug is reported/fix and will be delivered in 5.0.2, so what to do until then? Just convert to text and append the data(you may be able to do this at the list level, I didn't check it) Basically... 1. Set the table row counter 2. Create a loop that runs for the total amount of rows in the table 3. Add the current table row to a list 4. Convert the list to text (comma deleimtited) 5. Append to a file 6. clear the list 7. increment the row counter set(#dns_row_count, 0, "Global") loop($table total rows
  23. I tried the software and it stopped reporting that it was running in under 10 minutes, after it had run all night. So I put in a support ticket, this was the response.... "Unfortunately I am speechless. PSB is running by thousands and it should work for you too." To say support is lacking would be an understatement, just understand, this is how my support issue was handled. YMMV IMHO not worth my time.
  24. Thank you for the help. I didn't see the View menu item, thingy. My fault.
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