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Everything posted by welby

  1. Hi - was this ever updated to support the latest PHP v7.x? - i so how do I get the update as I havent been able to sue the script since my hosting has moved to the newer version of PHP Thank you.
  2. Hi - any update on this as I am being forced to switch over to PHP 7.x on my server which means this won't work after the end of December?
  3. HI there, thank you for the reply - I look forward to seeing a new release - thanks again
  4. It's OK I have developed the app in another platform - but thank you for your reply
  5. OK - I had to resort to a shell command and call out the wmplayer.exe, which is a shame as I wanted to do this all in the GUI without resorting to third party tools. I have to say the wmplayer is very limited to control by the command line. Think I will have to find a thirdparty player that behaves well and can be controlled better by the commandline. Pants!
  6. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone has created a simple Audio Jukebox in ubot studio? I was wondering if it can be done in the native gui of ubot without resorting to java and html? i have started to investigate and I can play the audio file using the "Play Sound" function but cannot find a way of pausing the audio or stopping the audio. I tried to use "Sound>Stop sound" but I am guessing that relates to the OS System sounds and not the sound being played directly from the ubot? Anyone tried this? Here's my basic starter code. ui button("Play") { verify audio libraries p
  7. Yes a lot of php code has been depreciated in php 7 - would be good as I would like to continue to use this product
  8. Hi I have been using ubotlocker for a while now and works as intended. However ny hosting is moving to PHP v7.0 for security reasons, so the PHP mysql is being depreciated in version 7. This means that the PHP code will not work once the switchover is complete. MySQL using the legacy `ext/mysql` PHP extension will not be supported, MySQLi or PDO MySQL must be used instead Can you tell me if you have any plans to amend the PHP code to work with PHP 7.x Kind regards, Mark
  9. HI all, rather than using Ubot to perform the clicks etc needed to make a post on Facebook I decided to go doen the route of using Facebooks API (what a nightmare compared to Twitter's api) Anyway I now have an approved facebook app that has the correct permissions (had to jump through hoops to get this far) Ok so onto the Ubot Studio part. I am using Apichai Facebook plugin which works fine using my own Facebook User Access Token. The problem comes when you want to use the Facebook App as another Facebook User you can't, which really sucks If I create a temp 60 day User Access Tok
  10. Ahh yes I see now. so I can always clear the log variable at different intervals if needs be - thank you.
  11. Hi there, do yo have any simple samples to follow - my bot is slow to load The meta-tag method seems to be the simple starting point, but couldn't find any exmaples on here. I have onloads and defines but not sure how you would debiug a "loading issue" to see what is causing the bottle neck. I have purchased easy-crypt but I am not sure how to use it ti its full effectiveness in terms of speeding up the loading process? Any help appreciated. Mark
  12. HI all, I have a ubot which makes use of the LOG function and I was wondering how much information can the log store? Is there a limit? The reason I ask is that my bot will be running continuously and I need to know what happens if the log got full. Does it reach a limit and then reset itself? thanks in advance.
  13. Hi Michael, thank you for the advice and love the ubotlocker - works just as you state! Mark
  14. Hi all, well I finally have arrived at a point that I think I have a commercial ubot that I can realistically sell in an open market. I was wondering where you guys find it best to sell your ubots? JVZOO or similar? Yes I will have a dedicated website showcasing my ubot and any more that I will create in the future. Also pricing? - What level do you want to aim for to ensure a reasonable return on my investment. Any guidance would be really appreciated.
  15. Thanks Deliter, It was a "nice to have feature" but thank you for your suggestion - appreciated.
  16. Hi, I would like to have a "Splashscreen" that loads a BASE64 image onload before the main bot loads. Is this possible without a plugin? Thanks in advance.
  17. Thank you - is this a one -off fee for UbotLocker Unleased and how much is it?
  18. Hi, being a bit dumb here so sorry for the newbie question. Do you support subscription based pricing rather than a one off cost? What is UBotter Labs Special Bronze? How can I purchase?
  19. I happy I dont have any sensitive data being written out to files, so I have covered that base. In terms of hacking ubot, if my software ever gets that popular I am hoping I will be a wealthy person and can retire on the proceeds, but somehow I am a realist! Thanks again for your help!
  20. Worked like a charm - thank you Everything encrypted - nothing visible externally - only decrypts internally - and loads encrypted keys on launch I am learning as I go - thanks again. I guess the only way to protect a bot from hackers is to encrypt the UBOT and call it from within another bot. I must admit I wasn't aware of any currrent tools that could decompile a bot - is it that simple?
  21. Hi thank you for the reply. I understand what you are saying but I was trying to avoid the end-user entering the API details each time they used the bot. Are you saying it's possible to store a variable internally that will remain each time the bot is launched without resorting to an external ini file. If that's the case then that would be the way forward. Am I understanding you correctly?
  22. Hi All, I am using Heopos Ini addon and I am encrypting the values in the "ini" file which is fine. But what I want to do is read say four lines of the ini file and put all four lines into a single variable. I am ok reading and decrypting each line into it's own variable. I can't go out to a text file as this defeats the object of the encryption. And it has to be four lines as Pach's twitter addon expects to see a four line API entry. Has anyone got any suggestions as I do not wish to expose the twitter API keys once entered into my app. Thanks in advance.
  23. OK, I have it working now: - Just save and re-opened in Ubot Studio - how odd! ui button("Choose Image Directory") { add list to list(%imageslist,$get files($plugin function("File Management.dll", "$folder browser dialog"),"Yes"),"Don\'t Delete","Global") } with each(%imageslist,#file) { set(#result,$plugin function("FileFolderCommands.dll", "$get file info", #file, "Total Size"),"Global") if($comparison(#result,">= Greater than or equal to",5000000)) { then { alert("File is bigger than 5mb allowed by twitter") } else { alert("O
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