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About Confuscius

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  1. Instead of testing for false then change this to be not true - this issue has cropped up before. So if evaluate true AND if not evaluate true instead of if evaluate false!
  2. The way to get around this issue is to avoid going to the iframe in the first instance! Open WP in a normal browser window and look at the urls that you want to vist to install the software and you will see something like: http: // www. DOMAIN NAME .com/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=akismet&TB_iframe=true&width=640&height=483 SO if you 'nav' to : http: // www. DOMAIN NAME .com/wp-admin/plugin-install.php?tab=plugin-information&plugin=akismet then you may be surprised!!!! Then select the Install button by href and wildcards and * the w
  3. Hi Seth I have had a ponder and ... success possibly is on the way! Anyways, one of the things that I have learned about using UBot is that if there is a URL that you can go straight to then do not waste your time navigating your way through many screens to get there! Next, as the drag and drop is all based on javascript then what happens when you turn off javascript in the browser? Well Wordpress reveals a manual linking structure that lets you add widgets without drag and drop! I should be OK to turn javascript back on in the browser once I have worked out the direct URLs to use BUT in t
  4. Save : <TBODY> <TR> <TH>Poids </TH> <TD>9 KG/UN </TD></TR></TBODY> <TBODY> <TR> <TH>Poids </TH> <TD>12 KG/UN </TD></TR></TBODY> : to a file or list, a 1 column csv with 8 rows. You have a repeating 4 row footprint, num rows / 4 = num cycles. Then read in the file or list and loop through it and save item 1,2,3,4 to a new list using next list item to concatenate them together and then item 5,6,7,8 to the new list and that should get your 8 lines into two - watch the second half of the original CSV
  5. I tend to find that the questions ask themselves when you are just trying to get to your goal! Looking forward to how this (and the other!) questions are resolved given that this sort of user interaction is likely to be encountered more and more. I will have a further ponder myself but would appreciate other's views on how they might approach the example I have chosen to illustrate the issue.
  6. I am really struggling with anything other than standard html stuff - so, as an example - "Drag widgets from here to a sidebar on the right to activate them. Drag widgets back here to deactivate them and delete their settings." A simple bot to log into WP and configure a set of widgets on a specific theme or is UBot not able to do this sort of action?
  7. http://vimeo.com/7891497 - just use the method illustrated. I have a csv of WP logins and a bot routine that simply visits each blog in turn to do some maintenance, the only difference being that I always '|' seperate my data to save messing with so many ',' replaces in data!
  8. I can visualise a number of ways to tackle this - in fact, I have a similar situation where I have a physical EXTERNAL database and I do not want to add a new record if it already exist BUT I do want to update it's content. This is solved by interfacing UBot to a private password protected php page where I pass forward the values to the script and let the php script handle the logic for updating BUT in your case then you can probably do it through UBot internal arrays. Your logic, if I understand it, should be something like : sub GRAB current Visited List OR clear it depending on what you w
  9. Nice idea to get around the dreaded 'you are a bot' message from Google. However, when the script "search page" searches for '0% packet loss' then it will still find this when there is '100% packet loss'!!! I have amended the search to ', 0% packet loss,' and tested with two IP addresses, one reachable and one not and I get to the reachable one all of the time! Just shows how careful you have to be with your selections. I thought that it might also be interesting to play with the logic flow a little - I might try the following: Load list of IPs -> clear valid ips -> while count
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