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Posts posted by bangali_beta

  1. Hi,

    The $Replace being a big fat pain. Looking at the attached small script you'll understand.
    In the "Keywords" UI, type your chosen keyword.
    In the "Promotional Url" UI, type your website url.
    In the "Comment" Box, copy & paste the following:

    Website: <PROMOTIONAL URL>
    Video Views: <VIDEO VIEWS NUMBER>
    Video Likes: <VIDEO LIKES NUMBER>
    Video Dislikes:<VIDEO DISLIKES NUMBER>

    Run the script and see what happens! Are you experiencing the list %videos views numbers containing the word "view" when it should have been replaced by now ?


    And, notice the screen shot saved on your desktop. Do you see the comment box containing any comment in the screen shot? No! well, it should since the code is set to comment.


    The unbuggy code:


     View Videos()
    define View Videos {
        set(#videos comment,$replace(#videos comment,"<KEYWORDS>",#keywords),"Global")
        set(#videos comment,$replace(#videos comment,"<PROMOTIONAL URL>",#promotional url),"Global")
        set(#current position on list_sers or videos,0,"Global")
        clear list(%channels subscribers numbers)
        clear list(%videos views numbers)
        clear list(%videos likes numbers)
        clear list(%videos dislikes numbers)
        wait for element(<class="yt-subscription-button-subscriber-count-branded-horizontal yt-short-subscriber-count">,"","Appear")
        wait for element(<class="watch-view-count">,"","Appear")
        wait for element($element offset(<class="yt-uix-button-content">,14),"","Appear")
        wait for element($element offset(<class="yt-uix-button-content">,17),"","Appear")
        set(#current video channel subscribers number,$nothing,"Global")
        if($exists(<class="yt-subscription-button-subscriber-count-branded-horizontal yt-short-subscriber-count">)) {
            then {
                set(#current video channel subscribers number,$scrape attribute(<class="yt-subscription-button-subscriber-count-branded-horizontal yt-short-subscriber-count">,"innertext"),"Global")
            else {
                set(#current video channel subscribers number,"N/A","Global")
        add item to list(%channels subscribers numbers,#current video channel subscribers number,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
        set(#current video views number,$nothing,"Global")
        if($exists(<outerhtml=w"<div class=\"watch-view-count\">*views</div>">)) {
            then {
                set(#current video views number,$scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<div class=\"watch-view-count\">*views</div>">,"innertext"),"Global")
                set(#current video views number,$replace(#current video views number,"views",$nothing),"Global")
            else {
                set(#current video views number,"N/A","Global")
        add item to list(%videos views numbers,#current video views number,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
        set(#current video likes,$nothing,"Global")
        if($exists($element offset(<class="yt-uix-button-content">,14))) {
            then {
                set(#current video likes,$scrape attribute($element offset(<class="yt-uix-button-content">,14),"innertext"),"Global")
            else {
                set(#current video likes,"N/A","Global")
        add item to list(%videos likes numbers,#current video likes,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
        set(#current video dislikes,$nothing,"Global")
        if($exists($element offset(<class="yt-uix-button-content">,17))) {
            then {
                set(#current video dislikes,$scrape attribute($element offset(<class="yt-uix-button-content">,17),"innertext"),"Global")
            else {
                set(#current video dislikes,"N/A","Global")
        add item to list(%videos dislikes numbers,#current video dislikes,"Don\'t Delete","Global")

  2. Here the code:


     View Videos()
    define View Videos {
        set(#videos comment,$replace(#videos comment,"<KEYWORDS>",#keywords),"Global")
        set(#videos comment,$replace(#videos comment,"<PROMOTIONAL URL>",#promotional url),"Global")
        set(#current position on list_sers or videos,0,"Global")
        clear list(%channels subscribers numbers)
        clear list(%videos views numbers)
        clear list(%videos likes numbers)
        clear list(%videos dislikes numbers)
        wait for element(<outerhtml=w"<span class=\"yt-subscription-button-subscriber-count-*">,"","Appear")
        wait for element(<class="watch-view-count">,"","Appear")
        wait for element(<title="I like this">,"","Appear")
        wait for element(<title="I dislike this">,"","Appear")
        set(#current video channel subscribers number,$nothing,"Global")
        if($exists(<outerhtml=w"<outerhtml=w\"<span class=\\\"yt-subscription-button-subscriber-count-branded-horizontal yt-short-subscriber-count\\\" title=\\\"*\\\" aria-label=\\\"*\\\" tabindex=\\\"0\\\">*</span>\">">)) {
            then {
                set(#current video channel subscribers number,$scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<outerhtml=w\"<span class=\\\"yt-subscription-button-subscriber-count-branded-horizontal yt-short-subscriber-count\\\" title=\\\"*\\\" aria-label=\\\"*\\\" tabindex=\\\"0\\\">*</span>\">">,"innertext"),"Global")
            else {
                set(#current video channel subscribers number,"N/A","Global")
        add item to list(%channels subscribers numbers,#current video channel subscribers number,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
        set(#current video views number,$nothing,"Global")
        if($exists(<outerhtml=w"<div class=\"watch-view-count\">*views</div>">)) {
            then {
                set(#current video views number,$scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<div class=\"watch-view-count\">*views</div>">,"innertext"),"Global")
            else {
                set(#current video views number,"N/A","Global")
        add item to list(%videos views numbers,#current video views number,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
        set(#current video likes,$nothing,"Global")
        if($exists(<title="I like this">)) {
            then {
                set(#current video likes,$scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<button class=\"yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-opacity yt-uix-button-has-icon no-icon-markup like-button-renderer-like-button like-button-renderer-like-button-unclicked  yt-uix-post-anchor yt-uix-tooltip\" type=\"button\" onclick=\";return false;\" aria-label=\"*\" title=\"I like this\" data-orientation=\"vertical\" data-post-action=\"/service_ajax\" data-force-position=\"true\" data-post-data=\"se=*\" data-position=\"bottomright\" data-tooltip-text=\"I like this\" *</button>">,"innertext"),"Global")
            else {
                set(#current video likes,"N/A","Global")
        add item to list(%videos likes numbers,#current video likes,"Don\'t Delete","Global")
        set(#current video dislikes,$nothing,"Global")
        if($exists(<title="I dislike this">)) {
            then {
                set(#current video dislikes,$scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<button class=\"yt-uix-button yt-uix-button-size-default yt-uix-button-opacity yt-uix-button-has-icon no-icon-markup like-button-renderer-dislike-button like-button-renderer-dislike-button-unclicked  yt-uix-post-anchor yt-uix-tooltip\" type=\"button\" onclick=\";return false;\" aria-label=\"*\" title=\"I dislike this\" data-orientation=\"vertical\" data-post-action=\"/service_ajax\" data-force-position=\"true\" data-post-data=\"se=*\" data-position=\"bottomright\">*</button>">,"innertext"),"Global")
            else {
                set(#current video dislikes,"N/A","Global")
        add item to list(%videos dislikes numbers,#current video dislikes,"Don\'t Delete","Global")

  3. Ubotting Buddies,



    Are you experiencing any scraping problem with Ubot 5 ? 


    Try getting Ubot to scrape data from the Ubot Video found on youtube:


    To me it seems it fails to scrape the:


    Channel Subscribers Number

    Thumbs Up Number

    Thumbs Down Number


    You will see that, no matter what attribute Ubot suggests for you to use (for it being unique on the page) to identify or select the item, if you use the suggested then it fails to scrape. Try the class and outerhtml attributes afterwards one after the other to identify the items and you will see still no luck. I try scraping innertext to scrape the numbers.


    If you have any luck then let me know!



  4. you can run a program (or programs) with no visual display.


    No visual display ? How do you mean ? You mean the bot would be invisible on screen ? The bot screen, icon, etc. ? It can work in the background without showing the user it is active ?

  5. Dear Ubotters,



    I have built a bot that forces Google to present you with WP blogs that still have their commenting section open. Google shows outdated results from time to time and so it checks the blogs out in the background and verifies them. You will see no activity on the foreground as I didn't want to reveal to my users the google foot print the bot uses (million dollar trade secret).

    It can also auto post your comments and take screen shots of where it has posted them.



    http://www.loudgobs.com/softwares/downloads/mAdpOsTeR - Professional Edition - Version 1.0_LOCKED.rar



    I'd appreciate if Ubotters can test it and give me some feed back. Bot license (Pro Edition) would run-out within 7 days so enjoy as much as you can!


    I want to know:


    1. How long it took to find 100, 500, 1000 blogs.

    2. How long it took to post your comments on 100, 500, 1000 blogs.

    3. Did you encounter any errors.

    4. What is your internet connection speed.



    Thank You!

  6. obviously it is used for the bots.

    the people will never stop using the bots.

    this services will stop working when websites will stop using captcha to prevent bots.


    Thanks. That video showed a user earning $1 in 3 mins. 3 lousy USD cents for each captcha filled. 
    For 3 mins he/she was constantly bombarded with captchas which he/she solved.
    Now, I'm wondering, do these workers get constant supply of captchas to solve every minute from 9am-5pm or what ?
    If so, then that means people all over the world are using bots 9-5 and captchas are being solved by decaptcha services 9-5 constant.
    Correct ? Or, do you reckon that is false as not always (like every minute from 9-5) captchas would need solving.
    Is there a chance a worker may sit all day in front of her computer waiting for a captcha to appear but none appear ? 
    In that case, the worker wasted her time waiting all day if the work was not available for the day or there was not enough work in the day.
    Such jobs are classified ad-hoc type jobs since they're not regular due to them revolving around many variables.
    I am always interested in re-inventing the wheel (so to speak). Prefer to make my own web server. 
    If Ubot had commands for us to deal with http, https protocols etc then we can make our own http web server.
    Ubot has enough commands to build our own ftp clients. Maybe, it would be better if they ad features so we can build our own ftp servers too with bot features ?
    About a year or 2 back took an interest to re-invent the wheel to build a decaptcha service bot.
    Now thinking of looking into it again but I don't understand the technical part how decaptcha services work.
    If I can understand their system then I'm sure I would come-up with a new twist to enhance the workers earnings.
    This is what I'm guessing how their system works ....
    The user's bot (eg. in Usa) screen shoots the captcha img and submits it to decaptcha service's mysql database (eg. in India).
    The decaptcha worker's client/browser is constantly scanning their mysql database (eg. inbox table) for new img entries.
    Finds the latest submission and pops it up on the worker's screen.
    Worker inputs the captcha text on his client UI which get submitted to their mysql database (eg. outbox table).
    Bot connects to this outbox table and copies the captcha text then inputs it in the web form where the captcha prompt appeared.
    Ok. I'm guessing it works something like that. Correct ? If I build a decaptcha service then it would be like that.
    But like I said, i must add a twist and so I might aswell build a mobile fone app. Now, worker does not have to sit in front 
    of her computer all day expecting captcha images to appear as she can log-in to her decaptcha worker's account via the mobile fone app 
    and start filling-in captchas via the fone. Good idea ? Maybe, this is already being done. If not, then good. I can be the first.
    Anyway, if Ubotters have anything to add then you're most welcome.
  7. @bestmacros - Thank you fro replying, I will look at your suggestions over the next few days. They do seem to be more along the line of what I am looking to sell.


    @bengali - Thank you for replying but I do not download software without know what it is about. If they have to do with the fan browser you mentioned then that has nothing to do with what I requested.


    I am looking for bots that can be used for daily tasks in an offline business. A software that can help save them time, like gathering information for reports, logging in somewhere online and pulling data, etc. I hope this helps clarify what I am seeking.


    I have built bot that finds leads on reddit and youtube. Now, building youtube auto commenter and publisher and commenter messenger.

  8. Ubotters,


    This is a script that checks if any List Item matches with the Variable or not.

    Check the LoopwHile, you will see it compares the %List Items with the "#url to check for rank" value. The variable value matches the 3rd $List Item.
    While there is no match, the THEN gets triggered and you get an alert that the %List Item did not match.
    When the match is met, the ELSE should get triggered and so you should see an alert saying the match has been met but you won't get that ALERT and neither any of the commands in the ELSE get triggered when they should. The following variable and list will hold no data. Why is that ?

    #check url rank
    %checked url ranks

    I have made 4 scripts out of 1.
    On each the LoopWhile is slightly different.

    1. Loopwhile($not

    . 2. Loopwhile($not

    3. Loopwhile

    4. Loopwhile



    Ubot Scraping in Rank and Comparing failure.ubot

  9. Hi Ubotters,



    I'm trying to extract a user's browsing history and I believe it is not possible with Ubot.

    I thought it might be possible with javacript. I could then forward the user to a webpage with javacript and extract his browsing history.

    But it seems it is not possible with javacript. Does anyone know how to extract your user' browing history ?



    Trying to create a web browser that suggests webpages to user based on their browsing history. So, if your browsing history shows you searched for cell fones then the bot would check it's Myql database for links related to cell fones and popup it's sponsor pages selling cell fones. I can program this bot most part but stuck on the initial part to extract a user's browsing history and bookmarks. 

    I wonder what scripts del.icio.us use to extract/upload their users' bookmarks.

  10. Hi bangali_beta!

    No intend to being rude here but You post very long posts and try to suggest how Seth should run his business- that ain't gonna happen (period).

    If u have questions about how to complete a particular task here u my find answers.

    If u complain about features there is a separate section for that and if Seth finds Your suggestion  doable  You are lucky guy.

    Back to your post title dev allows You to design and brand  your soft as You wish and You have more control and features.

    Some people are happy even with the Pro ver. so it is up to You to decide which one will serve your needs and if none of the offered here is  meeting Your expectations nothing stops You from learning Python or other language and build it like You need it.

    Keep this in mind next time You post.

    Like my post :mellow: :angry:(don't really)!


    I was not complaining but suggesting. What I suggested would help potential buyers get out of confusion and be able to decide easily which version is right for them.

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