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Everything posted by odeesuba

  1. Care to share your work around DuaneF.
  2. Yes its possible. Is this all you do? Click and download?
  3. A lot of people have dynamic ip connection that changes every time they connect to the internet, and the same person will have 20 or more ips per day. I think the best is to somehow tie the software to the computer, and allow the user to move his activation from computer to another. itunes allows me to have my purchases on 5 computers, and allow me to transfer my activation from old computers to new ones. Just you delete the old activation from their site, and activate on new ones. I think this is a great way to do security.
  4. Here is an idea... At the start of the bot If file exists stop the bot Else write the file to hard disk At the end of bot delete the file.
  5. I think the captcha could be solved, but before I try , what about the email? The email changes from whatever@domain.com to whatever2domain.com Need to solve that first. See attached image.
  6. There is something strange in the code, but you can always target the outerhtml set(#sig, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<img*signature-response*>">, "outerhtml"), "Global")
  7. The problem here is flash. @ will output 2 when the form is flash. The dev team is aware of this.
  8. I was playing around and had ubot take a typing test at http://speedtest.10fastfingers.com/ Had to slow it down a bit , then speed it up to ten letters at a time. 10 Letters at a time managed to get the number one position, beating the other 80,000 typists. At 845 WPM words per minutes , no man will ever beat it. Here is the code navigate("http://speedtest.10fastfingers.com/", "Wait") set(#test, $scrape attribute(<id="words">, "innertext"), "Global") set(#Loop Position, 0, "Global") loop($text length(#test)) { type text(<id="inputfield">, $substring(#test, #Loop Posi
  9. use the code below, make sure that you save the bot or you will get the main program folder. set(#Ubot Folder, $special folder("Application"), "Global")
  10. I thought you were trying to scrape the following specific tags totalResults itemsPerPage startIndex Sorry , misunderstood what you wanted.
  11. This seems to work, try it ui text box("Keyword", #Keyword) set(#Keyword, $replace(#Keyword, " ", "+"), "Global") set(#Youtube XML Page, $read file("https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/videos?q={#Keyword}"), "Global") navigate("http://xmlgrid.net/", "Wait") change attribute(<id="12">, "value", #Youtube XML Page) click(<value="Submit">, "Left Click", "No") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") set(#Temp, $scrape attribute(<outerhtml=w"<span id=\"*\" style=\"font-family: Arial, \'Microsoft Sans Serif\'; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(61, 59, 60); padding-top: 0px; pa
  12. Try to expand on this load html("http://www.abc.com 123.abc.com/ www.abc.com/123.html http://www.abc.com/123/456") add list to list(%Domains, $find regular expression($document text, "[0-9A-Za-z]+\\.(com|net|org)"), "Delete", "Global")
  13. I would do it with regex, keep in mind that I am only looking for com net and org, you can add the rest if you want clear list(%Domains) navigate("http://www.rc-car-hobby.com/RC-Links.html", "Wait") wait for browser event("Everything Loaded", "") set(#Selection, $scrape attribute(<id="e3">, "innerhtml"), "Global") set(#Selection, $change text casing(#Selection, "Lower Case"), "Global") add list to list(%Domains, $find regular expression(#Selection, "[0-9A-Za-z]+\\.(com|net|org)"), "Delete", "Global")
  14. Sorry for the confusion John, hope that this does not confuse others. This is not related to the problem your trying to solve with the thread. This is just another way to capture the google captcha image. I will attache both images hope it will clear the confusion.
  15. John, thanks for the video its very helpful. I would just add something to the second part of the command, its better to make second part $solve captcha(<id="recaptcha_widget">) I think it was TJ who mentioned in another post , that its better to give the captcha people the full image, so they you know you need both words. I had it coded like this type text(<name="recaptcha_response_field">, $solve captcha(<id="recaptcha_widget">), "Standard") Check the image attached.
  16. I think TJ found that you need to set them sometimes not always, that is why I said it could be a bug.
  17. TJ, Very well explained. thank you Two things that I learned , and they could be bugs 1. Sometimes functions should be on top 2. Sometimes you need to set the variables you pass to commands and functions I did not run into these problems before, but I will be checking them in the future. Thanks again.
  18. Maybe he meant by "then archive the email" just clicking the archive button
  19. Would be helpful if you mention what was the problem, so other people would not repeat the mistake.
  20. I used the load html , because you supplied html but not the url, it load the html in the browser. (As if you have navigated to the page. When the data is dynamic it would still be loaded it the browser , so the method will stay the same, just remove the load html and instead navigate to the page you want to scrape.
  21. you can split the text to a list, list from text command load html("<div class=\"esrb_box greygrad grid_5\"> <a href=\"/Ratings\"><img id=\"ctl00_ctl00_mainContentPlaceHolder_mainContentPlaceHolder_pdStatistics_imgEsrbSmallImage\" src=\"/common/esrb/esrb_m.gif\" alt=\"M\" style=\"border-width:0px;\"></a> <ul> <li>Blood</li> <li>Intense Violence</li> <li>Partial Nudity</li> <li>Strong
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