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Everything posted by ardley216

  1. Thanks for the help guys. I think those issues are highly unlikely as the bit that casused this error (probably) is a command within an already closed loop, meaning it was not changing any variables that is needed for start up. I did use clear all varibles command (glad they made that at last!), that was already built in to run at the end of the process as well as at the start to be super safe. I also have a strange error: When I set a variable, I call in lots of other variables into this variable combined with lots of HTML, then these variables don't 'render' as a highlighted variable when
  2. Hi guys, I am just about to finish a bot I have spent abotu 2 - 3 months building. It has >2000 lines of code, and it was working perfectly, right up until the last feature I implimted (always the way)... So it creates a report for clients, it runs once, but when I try to rerun the report creation for another client, the button does not start the process! I have to close the bot and reopen it. Would this be a coding issue? Has anyone had issues like this? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to solve it? Thanks
  3. Thanks guys, will do the same here. I tried it out very quickly, its like the process is closed and the browser state restored. I'm not sure if it keeps cookies or anyuthiung like that. Finally I'll be able to run a bot for more than 1 hour haha
  4. the road map doesnt seem to be updated anymore... Thanks for any hel given guys
  5. I have looked around all the places I could find to find out what it is and how it can be used.. but nothing... Can anyone tell me what it does?? I hope it will fix the browser crash issue! Thanks Daniel.
  6. ui log view("Log") ui button("Clear Log") { set(#log,$nothing,"Global") } define OTorderpage { set(#currentorder,$eval("document.orderid.orderid.value"),"Global") in shared browser { logintopipedrive() wait(0.5) click(<innertext="WooCommerce Order #{#currentorder}">,"Left Click","No") wait(1) wait for browser event("Everything Loaded","") wait for element(<class="infoBlock">,"","Appear") set(#PDorderURL,$url,"Global") wait(0.5) close page } in shared browser { navig
  7. So I built a bot, and it worked fine, then the other day when ever I do anything with the browser it just freezes. I try to export and the same happens... I removed all threading and the same happens... I added in Allow Flash = No, AND set user agent... same thing happens.. And why does this continue to happen I have seen threads dating back half a decade with this exact same issue, why has it not been fixed?!?! I am running Win 10, 64Bit, 16GB ram. The bot is relatively simple, just 300 lines of code, about 100 of which is HTML. I am using 'load html' command. Other than that it is
  8. Looking to do run external ubot scripts.. this one seems to have died.. anyone got any info?
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