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Posts posted by heopas

  1. Heopas Plugin had something like this but now I don't see it maybe somebody can chime in and say what version it was in.


    As for the rest of it if Ubot would add a bit more functionality to their plugin API like the ability to get all variables, lists and tables for example making a more advanced debugger would be doable for plugin makers but at this time were kind of limited to what we can see - and need to know the names of the variables, lists and tables to be able to interact with them.

    I think is enabled in latest version.

    • Like 1

    1. What about development is difficult?


    uBot user base seemed to peak a few years back, forms are slowly dying. This makes finding solutions harder compared to stack and other languages. It also means we have less plugin developers and less financial reason for them to make them. uBot corporate hasn't made any effort in some time platform is slowly dying. 


    2. What frustrates you?


    Buy ubot, Buy Pro, Buy Dev, then need to also buy 1k+ worth of plugins and scripts over the years just to make ubot more usable. Ubot seems to have relied this whole time on other people selling plugins to expand its capability and has done very little if anything themselves to expand the program. 


    Currently trying to look into moving my entire system off meters locker system now and roll my own so i can code sign and look more professional. Ive spent over an hour looking through what i can to figure out if I can make a themed html popup prompt that would give me 2 fields for the user to enter on load. User/Pass. Seems its not possible at all.


    Basic ubot prompt looks like crap, cant title the prompt, cant change colors,no image bg, no sizing, nothing. Default prompt theme may make people realize i use uBot (thanks dev license). Turns out there are 2 plugins (yours is one) that would even let me change the colors of a prompt and the title. 


    So that is another $100 I need to spend just to change the color and text of a prompt window. Like seriously in the last 5 years uBot couldn't add this to the program? You seemed to have no trouble doing it. So why i am still paying for updates? This goes for all basic functions that are in plugins and totally missing from uBot. Need to find the first instance of a regex? That will be $100. Thank god for Heopas only plugin that didn't cost $100.


    3. What takes too long?


    Seemingly a lot, like the above prompt problem. You never know until you want to try something new that you have never done. 


    4. What do you think could speed up your development?


    Not needing to browser the Sell section of the form every very weeks to see what plugin i am missing to do the thing i need ubot to do.


    5. What do you think could make your development easier?


    If ubot took a bit of a page from apple (took popular apps added to base OS) at started to add plugins to the code code. Pay them off, only take ones years old, ive got no idea. Do something at least. How about a drop down to make my prompt white at the very least? 


    Yes i am well aware 6 has exbrowser(lite) in it, but 6 is unstable for now and everyone bought exbrowser because we had to years ago.


    Need to use (your) ubot launcher to launch each time, but don't know you need one of the plugins before you start or forget which ones contained what commands. Save, close, add plugin, reload.


    6. What prevents you from building a certain bot?


    Memory clearing, anti-virus programs, site scraper/bot detection, bit of plugin mess as well now that i have so many.


    7. What made my development easier?


    Heopas just added in his latest update the ability to collapse code when in the code viewer. This has saved me extreme amounts of time since it was added. It also serves as a prime example of basic functionality that nearly all code editors have by default. Another thing that ubot couldn't be bothered to add to their program in all these years. I didn't even know it could be possible to add something like that, then one guy in his free time added to the program as a plugin for free.


    8. What made me fee sick?


    When i get a new email from seth thinking its something finally about ubot and its him trying to sell me on his newest make money online scheme or his private $4000 class, or his magic upsell templates, or various other non-related crap. Meanwhile normal other people like Hepoas are adding basic functionality to his system.  


    Edit: I was a bit bothered by not being able to do what i wanted in the program and the idea of needing to possibly pay for more plugins and more scripts adding up to $300 just to try a new license system. So this post came across far more angry than it should have. I do want to say that I still am 100% thankful for uBot and it existing because it enabled me to make a living selling bots/services alone. So the $100 a pop plugins are just part of business. If you were not making money with your bots then i feel most of these features would be totally out of reach to most users.


    Thanks :)

    • Like 1

    looking foward to it, hopefully the autorestart also gets fix, it restarts but doesn't launch the functions , i put a simple alert message but doesn't run after restarting.

    ui button("Auto Restart Start") {
        AutoRestart Start()
    define show message {
    define AutoRestart Start {
        plugin command("HeopasCustom.dll", "Heopas Auto Restart", "True", 20, 3) {
            show message()

    This container run the commands before the restart. You are using it wrong.

  4. version released (Breaking Changes)

    - Captcha Image Solve cache bug fixed.

    - Https reworked.

    - Function HTTP Last Error added.

    - Functions renamed:

    - from $Heopas HTTP Get last URL

      to $Heopas HTTP Last URL

    - from $Heopas HTTP Get All Cookies

      to $Heopas HTTP All Cookies

    - from $Heopas HTTP Get All Headers

      to $Heopas HTTP All Headers

    - from $Heopas HTTP Get Cookie

      to $Heopas HTTP Cookie

    - from $Heopas HTTP Get Header

      to $Heopas HTTP Header

    • Like 2
  5. Screenshot command is not working on latest version

    Msg box first and then error. Error says that: The process ID 19572 is not executed.

  6. In ExBrowser Dan run a get appdata path method to retrieve your application data path. For a strange reason some times this method doesn't work. When you delete exb folder on ubot start he download missing files first and then it continue to get path so is like having a wait command on start. My opinion is that Dan need to change this method with something else.

    • Like 1
  7. Google release new invisible recaptcha. The following code solve this captcha.


    wait for element(<title="recaptcha widget">,"","Appear")
    set(#iframesrc,$scrape attribute(<title="recaptcha widget">,"src"),"Global")
    set(#datasitekey,$find regular expression(#iframesrc,"(?<=k=).*?(?=&)"),"Global")
    set(#response,$plugin function("HeopasCustom.dll", "$Heopas ReCaptcha Solve", #datasitekey),"Global")
    change attribute(<id="g-recaptcha-response">,"value",#response)
    set(#functiontorun,$scrape attribute(<class="g-recaptcha">,"data-callback"),"Global")
    run javascript("{#functiontorun}();")
    stop script


    You can send datasitekey to 2captcha or prompt user to solve it manual using my plugin.


    Download plugin here

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