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Everything posted by FlawlessMasterMind

  1. This is still an issue. I am using Developer edition and compiling the installer and it still does this on the machine that i install the bot to. Why?
  2. I spoke too soon works awesome if there is a banner image, but when there is only text it does not function.
  3. Awesome Update! Works excellent now. Thank you
  4. I've created a temporary solution for this. So you are not charged 4x for each captcha solved. If interested PM me.
  5. Well the Code Works, but after $275 dollars in Captchas I found an issue which People need to be aware of. It's not really DJANGO's Fault, but the issue exist and needs to be corrected before anyone else implements this code to use with DeathByCaptcha. The issue is as follows: Image get's sent to DeathByCaptcha and DeatchByCaptcha sends a response. The response they send is generally just the CaptchaID that they have assigned to the captcha you sent them. The issue is the Advanced Captcha.dll is looking for a multi part response of the following CaptchaID:Text, but per DeathByCaptcha i
  6. Shouldn't the Plugin do the following for DBC to solve the Captcha Properly: Image Collected > Image Sent to DBC for Solving > DBC responds with CaptchaID > Plugin Pause > LOOP(Poll CaptchaID to DBC) set timeout of 30 seconds > Polled CaptchaID Eventually comes back with solving parameters? UPDATE: Did some research and sure enough the following is true: What's the response from the Image Group API? captcha: id of the provided captcha, if the text field is null, you will have to pool the url http://api.dbcapi.me/api/captcha/captcha_id until it becomes available is_co
  7. I'm Using DBC and i'm getting a blank response and then it sends the captcha again and then it gets blank response and then eventually it gets a correct response and it solves the Google reCaptcha *New, but the issue is DBC workers were solving the problem and the 3 or 4 previous images i uploaded to them eventually get solved by the worker and I get charged for 4 captcha's solved. Is there an issue with your system not calling the captcha ID to DBC and waiting for a response properly? or is it an issue with DBC?
  8. How do you get ubot to work with Sock5 proxy?
  9. I'm having an issue where it does everything even checks the correct items but it does not click the verify button and when I compile the bot it doesn't seem to even get to the point where it selects the items. Can you assist? TeamViewer?
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