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Eddie Waller

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Everything posted by Eddie Waller

  1. No ETAs right now, we're still debating over what we want to see in UBot 4.1. Right now we're focusing on getting most of the bugs out of UBot and then hopefully we can release some information about some of the things we have planned for UBot 4.1 as we start working on it .
  2. Definitely something we want to do in the future . We'd like the UI to be completely customizable, especially in the dev version. That's one reason why we have ui buttons.
  3. Could you post the site you're having issues on?
  4. Since type text simulates the keyboard when typing, it has to do a lot more processing. If you use the change attribute command with the attribute "value" it should put the data in much faster. As far as using UBot 3, you can send a ticket to support.ubotstudio.com and they'll help you get set up with UBot 3.
  5. You can actually comment right now using // to comment out a single line and /* */ to comment out multiple lines. Your code will e deleted if you switch to node view after that so be careful . We plan to have some sort of commenting/documentation feature in the future.
  6. UBot 4.0 does not remove your UBot 3.5 installation, so you probably just opened your UBot 3.5. You should be able to find UBot 4 under Start -> All Programs -> UBot Studio -> UBot Studio.
  7. Here's a quick video on how you can use if statements with the ui checkbox. http://screencast.com/t/GYM6yyXi And here's the corresponding code: ui check box("yahoo", #go to yahoo) if(#go to yahoo) { then { navigate("yahoo.com", "Wait") } else { navigate("live.com", "Wait") } }
  8. The parameters serve the same purpose as the parameter command in subs before. It allows you to send data that is local to your custom commands.
  9. Hey, we'll have to think of a better way to let people do this, but for now you can use { and } to insert the variable. click(<value=w"{#Metro_Area}">, "Left Click", "No")
  10. Thank you . It feels nice to get some positive feedback with all the bug reports coming in haha . Of course with an update this big there are going to be bugs, but we're working on them and we'll eventually exceed the stability of UBot 3.
  11. Right, it will only show up if you use a $solve captcha function somewhere in your scripts. This prevents people being confused on bots that don't work with captchas. The compiled bot will remember the credentials as long as you have filled them in once and closed the bot.
  12. The way we have it now, the user of your compiled bots would just fill in the captcha credentials with the captcha service accounts menu, that way they can use whichever captcha service they prefer, or type them manually if they want to.
  13. Are you talking about $list from file being slow? The upper limit is 2,147,483,647. if you can elaborate I can look into why it might be slow.
  14. Hey, we're working on the conversion script that will convert UBot 3 bots to UBot 4, but right now we're focusing on getting most of the bugs out of the way as more people use UBot 4. As far as doing things like addition, you would just write #variable + #other, and UBot will convert that to an $add node. Here's a video showing how this works: http://screencast.com/t/EvJkZLR3y5
  15. Could you elaborate on what are you trying to do? There is an $eval node for executing javascript, and there's a load html command which is similar to write to browser. You shouldn't need to use $eval for things like addition and multiplication anymore.
  16. Can you PM the file to me or attach the file. It's a very common mistake to try to double click a UBot 4 file and have it try to open in UBot 3, where you will get an xml error message. That's why we were asking. Was it a UBot 3 file you have been working on for awhile? Or did you download it from another site? Let me know
  17. This could be considered a bug, $account data is shared across your entire script at the moment. Would you like it to be separate per browser? Would you like it to be separate per custom command? Let me know how you expect it to work .
  18. If you can give us a link to the site I'll let you know how to disable that using javascript.
  19. Yes UBot 4 should handle these editors just fine. Here's a video of how you might do it in UBot 4: http://screencast.com/t/lK9cXYqLy
  20. The variables might hold different values than what you're typing in. For example if you load the csv file formatted like: apple, pear, tomato the first cell will have "apple", the second will have " pear", and the third will have " tomato". Notice the 2nd two have spaces at the beginning of them. What you would want to do is format it like: apple,pear,tomato That way it has no extra spaces when being loaded. Try writing your variables out to a file or onto a webpage and see if there are any extra spaces in them.
  21. What site is giving you this message? Usually the detection is done by user agent, so you could try to change your user agent. For UBot 3 you might be interested in this thread: http://ubotstudio.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5047-how-to-change-useragent-in-ubot/ For UBot 4 you can use the "set user agent" command.
  22. We use the default .NET regular expression engine which is compatible with PCRE.
  23. Yeah this is much nicer for using the forum on my phone
  24. It should be set up now under ubot underground
  25. Looks cool, the current mobile forum display doesn't seem to work very well. I'll definitely look at this a little more as we update our site soon .
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