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Everything posted by steelersfan

  1. Presale Questions: What YouTube API's (if any) must I create to use this? Must I set up API's that will allow client access to sell bots that utilize it? And if so, is there instruction provided on how to do this? Are there any limits on end-user use with the API's that I should know about? Do you have video training available and accessible? Or at least extensive documentation available when one buys this? Can I view tutorials before buying?These questions also apply to your Twitter and FaceBook plugins, as I am looking to get all 3 plugins. Answers will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  2. Hello? Anyone here? Is this abandoned? Please answer my questions, I am looking to get this...
  3. That works, thank you. But I still don't understand what I did wrong with my initial regex. Why did that regex work perfectly in the builder, but not in ubot? Why was my regex output from regex builder so complicated, and the correct ones so simple? And why does "find regular expression" work to get what I need, but the advanced element editor does not? Why couldn't I use just the advanced element editor to input the proper regex? When I did, it returned 11 results and held ubot up, or crashed it.
  4. I tried to utilize what you put, in the way I was doing this script, but it crashed ubot then { set(#pagenum,$scrape attribute(<outerhtml=r"Page \\d+ of about [\\d,]+ results">,"outerhtml"),"Global") alert("Url is found! {#pagenum}") stop script } It returned 11 results as well, oddly enough. It confuses me further, because I have no idea what I am doing wrong with the scrape attribute element editor. I believe that is the problem, but just can't understand how or why.
  5. I don't understand what I am doing wrong, and looking at the code now, I am even more confused. I tried to replace the whole statement in the Advanced Element Editor area, next to attributes dropdown, just as I would place a star somewhere in the text there if I were doing a wildcard. And I used this generated regex to replace the whole line: (?<=\<div\ id\=\"resultStats\"\>).+?(?=\<nobr\>\ \(0\.39\ seconds\)\&nbsp\;\<\/nobr\>\<\/div\>) Still not working. Could it be bug? I don't know
  6. loop(#gspr) { if($search page(#surl)) { then { set(#pagenum,$scrape attribute(<outerhtml=r"(?<=\\<div\\ id\\=\\\"resultStats\\\"\\>).+?(?=\\<nobr\\>\\ \\(0\\.39\\ seconds\\)\\&nbsp\\;\\<\\/nobr\\>\\<\\/div\\>)">,"outerhtml"),"Global") alert("Url is found! {#pagenum}") stop script } else { click(<title="Next page">,"Left Click","No") wait($rand(3,7)) if($exists(<title="Next page">)) { then { }
  7. I can't figure this out for the life of me. I am trying to scrape the page results stats from google, and output just the page number and results count. The HTML is: <div id="resultStats">Page 8 of about 18,800,000 results<nobr> (0.39 seconds) </nobr></div> Now I can easily grab all of the info with just a wildcard "Page 8 of about 18,800,000 results<nobr> (0.39 seconds)" But all I want is the "Page 8 of about 18,800,000 results" So I fired up HelloInsomnia's Regex Builder (awesome tool!) and got this output: (?<=\"\>).+?(?=\<nobr\>) Which
  8. Are your tutorials updated, to keep up with changes in ubot? How relevant are they all today? Do you have a list of the topics covered? I am looking to get a membership, but want to know these things first. Thanks!
  9. I really want to either develop something for like4like or addmefast. Anyone have any insights as to how to deal with their popup windows? I really don't want to be forced into buying that plugin from the greedy developer who has no respect for the people of this community... I am hoping that there is a way to create something with ubot itself.
  10. Thank you very much! I need both a facebook and a twitter API plugin that is updated and cared for regularly!
  11. AH! I didn't know this, so that's why I haven't seen anything else doing it! Thank you!
  12. I am surprised that nobody has made a twitter API plugin yet. I wanted to post this in the "buy" section, but for some reason it is locked off. Is anyone creating a twitter API plugin, or is anyone even remotely interested in creating one? How about other buyers? I can't be the only person interested in such a thing. Or am i?
  13. The popup window that comes up in like4like is clear, no data. I am wondering why, most likely anti-bot measure?
  14. Where is the promo? I did not see anything on that page? I'm looking to get this as soon as possible, when it is on sale. Thanks!
  15. I am looking at making a like4like bot, but am having some issues. Firstly: The manner in which it works, the site causes a popup window to appear, and you use a connected account within it, then you must click the x button of the window, for them to accept and credit you. This seems like it may be impossible to do, without the "EXBrowser" plugin. Does anyone have any experience with this or any ideas? There are more issues, but I'll leave them alone until this one major hurdle is figured. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
  16. Well that clinches it for me, I am going to get the plugin. Thanks for the help guys!
  17. So the "Http Post Plugin" is just an extension to the functionality of ubot's built in sockets capabilities (or a better solution)? And headless is just quicker than regular browsing, not as fast or optimized as sockets? If I understood you correctly, those should be correct assumptions I guess.
  18. I am trying to understand what is the difference between sockets, headless browser and the http post plugin. What is the difference between using sockets, and using headless? And at this point, what is the advantage in using the http post plugin, versus just using headless? Any insight on this would be greatly appreciated!
  19. Hmm kompass looks pretty easy, but I just glanced and could be wrong. I have never heard of it until now, thanks for that! I used fminer a long time ago, before I found ubot, I prefer ubot now, for obvious reasons. Which sites gave you the crappy "claim your business" issue?
  20. Out of the local listings sites out there (manta,yelp,yellow pages, Yahoo Local, etc.) which is the least complicated to create scrape bots for? A little background on why I am asking: I have been working on a couple of bots (yes I'm a busy mofo lately!), a manta scraper being one of the latest. I also had plans to also make a Yelp scraper, and a YP scraper as well. After working for a while on manta, I learned about "anti bot technology", something I now loathe greatly. I also learned that these types of websites purposely design their interfaces to discourage and deter botting, in various
  21. I am trying to figure out how to scrape manta for detailed information on businesses. The initial search only returns business names and numbers, but I want to grab the information that is stored on the business listing page (The one that you see when clicking on the business name in that manta search). The problem that I am having, is how to get the info from multiple listings, because the bot has to click on each one at a time, negating any forward movement in the search results pages. Now I have a couple of ideas for solutions, ranging from one that is hard and seems unnecessary, to one t
  22. I had this question as well, so instead of making a new thread, I will just ask: How can we block ads for client side bots? Just like adblock plus firefox extension. Something aside from having to buy xbrowser and use firefox itself, or disable java.
  23. Two quick questions. Do you plan any sales for the future? Do you have tutorial videos? I bought the other solution, because it had a sale, but no tutorials and the owner hardly ever replies to questions or support.
  24. Any future sales? Interested in this, but don't have immediate need for regex. Will buy next sale for sure though!
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