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Everything posted by kbmp82

  1. Hey Dan I just purchased your tutorial videos and I saw that you mentioned multi threading only works well with ubot 4 but then I noticed that video was created in may 2014. Almost 2 years ago. Does multi threading using http post plugin work now in version 5?
  2. I am having an issue with this ajax code (i think its ajax) on this profile site. If I choose the text link by attribute and then click chosen it only works about 10% of the time....I found out the reason is because the url = webpage.com/myprofile/name# So it doesnt do anything when UBot clicks the URL since the # is just telling it to basically stay on the same page it's at...but when I manually click on the link a text box field drops down fro me to type in and click save....so I tabbed my way to this text link and then hit the enter key on my keyoard and it made the text box drop down..
  3. hmmm ok..well maybe I can use the not statement like you mentioned and save some time here....thanks for opening my eyes to that, better than nothing for now!
  4. yikes.....ok here a the issue I am facing right now... Ihave a list of lets say 10 websites....the bot will go to each website to sign up for an account... so once it navigates to a site it goes about doing 30 commands....well if the page doesnt load..then the only think I can do is say "If page doesnt load" and then I have to tell it to navigate to the next page BUT it doesnt restart at the beginning of the loop so I have to copy and paste ALL of the commands into that if statement....that really sucks lol. It would be soooo much easier to have an If, if else, else ability. "If page doe
  5. This software is pretty sweet for what's it's capable of...I am trying to create a bot to help with some backlinking but I keep finding the need to have an Else If and Else command....unless you can already do that...then I guess I just need some help figuring out how. Also, another really helpful function to have would be a Next statement for Loops...right now I have a loop that goes to webpages in a list...but if the webpage erros out or does something I dont want it to do I have no way to make it skip out and start over from the beginning of the loop at the the next list item. I mean I gues
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