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Everything posted by slash30

  1. She gives a step by step pdf and then you get all the links in a text file as well, so it would be easy to import the URLs and just follow the guide and create your bots accordingly. They are all just regular forums and blogs, just the steps for each are different. But people burn those so fast by spamming that they get locked down. You're kind of racing the clock so to speak. What I've been making is a bot that searches for these type of blogs for myself to create my own list and automated by registration/profiles by ubot. It will be especially cool if I can identify the type and versi
  2. Just tested and it works perfectly. Thanks again. TJ
  3. Nice Jim thanks! That's just what I was looking for, I guess I need to improve my javascript skills they are going to be very useful here. I'm really more of a hacker than a coder. (Which is why Ubot is great for me.) I've mostly done a few needed scripts in PHP and Perl to parse databases and such. I think integrating these with ubot- I can automate some cool stuff. TJ
  4. Thanks Aaron. That works perfectly! Yeah... I was just thinking that if I decided to compile the exe and sell it, I might want to "protect" some of the way it works. Plus if there was just a live summary page of events that could be displayed as they were completed- it may be a lot cleaner for the end user and a little more interesting than watching the bot surf. "Summary: URL Scraping... Done Improving Aaron Nimocks One Liners... In Process" TJ
  5. Is there anyway to "black out" the interface screen or display a different html doc or spiffy java script other than the one it's parsing? So basically "hide the magic" of what the bot is doing? As I type this I realize the answer is no but it would be useful...
  6. Sweet- it worked. It's nice and sporty now without all that looping going on. Wasted an hour messing with that lol. Thanks again.
  7. Ok cool. I'll try it that way. I was trying to do it as a list but this should still work. Thanks will speed things up quite a bit.
  8. What's the best way to dump an entire list into a multi-line text box? Basically I want to take the URLs I've scraped and dump them into a site that does bulk pageranks. This would be good for bulk checking domain availability on godaddy as well. Thanks.
  9. Same here. Thanks for all the tutorials and example bots. It's been a tremendous help.
  10. Hey all, Ok, I'm in adwords keyword research tool and I'm trying to get the match type to change to "Exact" from "Broad" in the drop down list box. I can get it to change to "Exact" but not actually apply the setting. I've used Choose Attribute -> Change Attribute ( this works to change the selection to "exact") but then I have tried a number of different things like sending a newline (attemping to send a return) or click chosen but cant seem to get it to take the changed attribute. I went back through the the tutorial again but it looks like it's left as broad in that example. Anyone
  11. Nice work man. I just purchased ubot. So I'm poking around for ideas and this just opened the flood gates furthers. It's going to be hard to focus enough to get one done! ;D
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