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rodrigogabriel last won the day on March 12 2015

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About rodrigogabriel

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    Windows Server 2008
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  1. O que esta ocorrendo, nao consigo acessar o ubot....
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DH8MII-gkik&feature=youtu.be
  3. simple scraping does not work , because the information I need is contained in a socket connection to the server , SeeU open the " web inspector " , the information that I need not set out there
  4. I'll post a video that exemplifies the best that I need to develop , this site works with sockets and need to capture an element http://youtu.be/DH8MII-gkik
  5. Staff need to buy a development of a service websockets , but I'm not getting to do , someone is qualified ?
  6. ( websockets ) Hello , from what I could see, I need to use sockets in this situation , however I could not make it work , anyone have any tips ?
  7. This is the basic , basic and p does not work in that situation
  8. I need information on this element <div id="zone-arrow-container"
  9. anexo http://youtu.be/25JKVuZm7dk
  10. Hello , I need the information which take place within the container , one that simulates a football field
  11. Hello , I'm with a difuculdade to capture site data, when I click inspect elements , I check the information I need, put in UBot the information is not displayed, send the link of a video if can help me thank you ... http://youtu.be/DH8MII-gkik Rodrigo
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